
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

An Early Christmas Gift from CSN Stores!

Yes, this Christmas gift is for you, my readers! CSN Stores is offering a $35 gift code (to use on any of their sites) to one lucky winner from this blog!

The CSN Stores websites have everything from TV stands for flat screens to those adorable black high heels I reviewed back in November (click HERE to read my review!). There are plenty of products to choose from, and you can have lots of fun shopping without having to leave your home. ;)

This giveaway is open to my U.S. and Canadian readers!

Here are the other rules for the giveaway:
  • Leave a comment sharing what one of your favorite gifts you're giving this year is. If you're afraid the person you're giving the gift to might read this post, then feel free to leave a comment sharing about a gift you loved giving in the past.
  • Please remember to leave your e-mail address in the comment.
  • You can gain one extra entry for being a follower of this blog.
  • The drawing ends Sunday, December 19th at 9:00 p.m (PST), and a winner will be announced on Monday, December 20th.
As for me, I'm not sure which of my family members and friends might stop by and glance at this post, so I want to be careful not to give any surprises away! But let's just say that I'm excited because I have a few little Texas souvenirs (from my trip over Thanksgiving break) to distribute when I get home before Christmas even arrives... ;)

As a side note, I had been thinking about saving this for my 250th post, but I was rather eager to launch this giveaway. Maybe my 250th post can be my celebratory "I'm-done-with-finals" and "I'll-be-home-for-Christmas" post... (Definitely looking forward to that!)

Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season so far, and merry (almost) Christmas!

(The picture above is of my grandparents' Christmas tree last year. So festive!)


  1. Well this is cool, Amber! LOL!! Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I know of the best present so far I've been given : ) But it comes in the form of a couple friendships. Anyway, gift being given? Well it's simple but Alicia and I got grandma some new sweatshirts. Now you've got to know grandma, when she's home she ALWAYS wears the sweatshirts even in the summer sometimes :S So, we found some in different colors to give her lol.

    SOrry that's kind of a weird one lol!! Okay watch out for an email headed your way, miss (eventually that is LOL)!!
    P.S. I think I'm a follower : P

  2. Count me in. What a great giveaway!

    My favorite gift to give away this year is a dollhouse for my daughter Elizabeth. My husband is really good with miniatures and I love history so we think it would be fun to make it a family project to decorate this dollhouse over the next year.


  3. Wow, fun giveaway! Count me in as well. :) It would be fun to go "shopping". Hehe. :)

    I still have a gift I haven't given to my sister yet for her birthday. I have knitted her a bag and just need to add the inside lining. I can't wait to see her face when she sees it. :)

    I am a follower and my email is in my profile (and your inbox. :)

  4. I made a sweater dress for my 2 1/2 yr old niece. I think it is darling and hopefully she will love it and it will look good on her.

    I have made the dress before in a different color yarn for two other young girls and they both said they felt like princesses.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  5. I would love to be entered!
    I guess my favortie gift this year is the Woody and Buzz dolls we got for my little boy. It's the closet to a doll my husband will allow. :)
    I'm a follower.
    bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com

  6. Hannah,

    Friendships are a wonderful gift, aren't they? :D I'm so thankful for your friendship!

    And that is so funny about your grandma and sweatshirts! My grandma loves a certain type of sweatshirt, as well, and that's usually what my mom gets her for different occasions. :) They usually have some sort of pretty design nature-type design on them with a collar underneath. We tease that it's her "uniform!" ;) So sweet!

    Anyway, I'll look forward to your e-mail, and you have 2 entries for this drawing! You've been a follower for a long time, silly! ;)


  7. Julia,

    Oh, what a great idea! Dollhouses are so fun, and that's so neat to make it year-long project involving history! :D A learning tool AND a fun present!

    Thanks for entering the giveaway, and you have 2 entries. :)


  8. Casey,

    Oh, yes--shopping! ;)

    Homemade gifts are so special, and I'm sure your sister will just love that! :D You're so sweet to actually make something as a gift. The only really "crafty" thing I know how to do (besides writing...) is cross-stitch, and I remember one Christmas when I was cutting close, but I finished the project and was so pleased to present it to my parents (my grandparents and I kept it a secret!).

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by, and you have 2 entries in the drawing. :)

    And yes, I do have your e-mail! ;)


  9. Suburban Prep,

    Oh, that's so sweet! :D I'm sure she will look darling--a sweater dress sounds so adorable! And what little girl doesn't love to get a new dress? ;)

    Thanks for visiting, and you have 1 entry in this giveaway!


  10. Bluerose,

    Ooh, LOVE Toy Story! Have you seen the third one yet? It made me cry both times I saw it in theaters this past summer. :)

    When my sister was younger, we had a Woody doll that she absolutely loved, and when we went to Disneyland when she was 3, she carried it around with her everywhere. ;) So cute! We even took a walk with Belle, who let my sister carry her muff (it was wintertime). Of course, my sister put Woody in the muff!

    Thanks for entering the giveaway! You have 2 entries. :)


  11. Great giveaway! My husband is getting me a laptop for Christmas this year, so that would be my favorite!

    I am your follower on GFC.

    estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

  12. I'd love to be entered Amber.

    I bought a Michael Jackson action figure set from ebay (they make them in Hong Kong) for my son who is an MJ fanatic. Last year he got a Beat It jacket (also from ebay). I thought he would have grown out of this phase by now. But not yet. He's in his room right now singing Thriller.

    I'm a follower. :)

    Joy GLee G

  13. Diane,

    I'm glad you could stop by! That's so sweet that your husband is giving you a laptop. :)

    You have 2 entries in this drawing!


  14. Joy,

    That's so fun! ;) My roommate showed me the music video for Thriller around Halloween--it's certainly catchy, if a bit creepy! ;)

    You have 2 entries in this drawing!

    BTW, I'm looking forward to doing the "Book Blog Swap" with you! :D


  15. Would love to be entered, I am a follower.

    My favorite gift I'm giving this years is a card I'm sending tomorrow. It goes to my friend, Marion in Germany. We've been pen pals for 18 years. Over the last few years, we've not talked as much. Christmas and birthday cards have been about it. While I was mailing other Christmas cards on Saturday, I found the perfect card for her. I ended up including a nice two page letter. I had to email Marion to get her address though, because I'd forgotten it. She's moved a few times in the last few years. So, she does know the card and letter are coming. I think we've both missed the old-fashioned letters though, so hopefully we'll go back to writing those in 2011!

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net

  16. Michelle,

    That is such a neat story! :) I love writing and receiving letters--there's just something so special about hand-written cards and notes! It's easy to get caught up in busyness, though, so I think writing more letters is an admirable goal. :) I hope I can do so, as well--writing more letters to my friends and family that I'm away from while I'm at school.

    Thank you for sharing! You have 2 entries in the giveaway. :)


  17. We actually bought Toy Story 3 for Christmas, but it's already been opened. We couldn't wait! :) Yes, I cried. I even cry over commercials! :)
    That's really sweet about your sister and Woody! Does she still have him? I know most toys come and go, but I've hung on to a few special ones, including a stuffed animal rabbit given to me when I was born and my "Cuddle Bear."

  18. Bluerose,

    It's fun to watch movies together, so I don't blame you for not waiting until Christmas! ;) And that movie is such a tear-jerker--especially the ending!

    I think we still have that Woody doll. If I'm not mistaken, he was actually one of the bigger toys they sold at Burger King years ago...

    If you go to this post, you might be able to see him:

    It's the third picture down, and if you zoom in you can see him sitting in the duct tape (like on Toy Story 2)! ;)

    My mom used our old Toy Story toys to decorate for my 19th birthday party this last year in honor of Toy Story 3!

    Anyway, that's so sweet that you still have some of your special old toys. :) It's nice to have them to look back on and remember our childhoods. :)


  19. This year I'm giving my mom some kitchen items I know she'll appreciate! Thanks for the giveaway!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  20. I'm a new follower!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  21. Liz,

    That's sweet! Kitchen items are very practical and enjoyable. :) I'm sure she'll love them!

    Thank you so much for becoming a new follower! You have 2 entries in this drawing. :)



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