
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Book Blog Swap

Today Joy (from Edgy Inspirational Romance) and I have swapped blogs! Joy is here to share her review of Maid to Match, and I'm over at her blog reviewing Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room (a family devotional). Enjoy the reviews!

Joy's Review:

If I measured the heat level of a romance by how many times I dog eared the pages to come back to them, then Maid to Match would be like a summer in Arizona. This inspirational romance was steamy, just the way I like 'em. And just so we're clear, a steamy inspirational means lots of restrained passion, not graphic descriptions.

Deeanne Gist has a way with writing dialogue- romantic one liners that just rip at your heart and bottom out your stomach (there's a scene involving shirt measurements that made me swoon). If you've been reading my blog, you already know I'm a huge fan of Gist's work. But I'd place this latest book in her top three, along with my dog eared copies of A Bride Most Begrudging and The Measure of a Lady.

Mack and Tillie are both likable characters with hearts for God. I found the premise of a romance between house servants at the Biltmore Estate unique, and I got such a kick out of exploring the setting- turn of the century North Carolina. One of the thrills of reading a great book is discovering new places, and Maid to Match delivered on that account too. The author hinted at a mountain man culture in that area that I'd never heard of. And the details she included about the Biltmore Estate made me wish I could visit.

I definitely recommend you put Maid to Match on your must read list!

Want more information? Here's the back cover blurb:

"Falling in Love Could Cost Her Everything

From the day she arrives at the Biltmore, Tillie Reese is dazzled- by the riches of the Vanderbilts and by Mack Danvers, a mountain man turned footman. When Tillie is enlisted to help tame Mack's rugged behavior by tutoring him in proper servant etiquette, the resulting sparks threaten Tillie's efforts to be chosen as Edith Vanderbilt's lady's maid. After all, the one rule of the house is no romance below stairs.

But the stakes rise even higher when Mack and Tillie become entangled in a cover-up at the town orphanage. They could both lose their jobs, their aspirations...and their hearts."

Joy's Rating:


  1. Casey,

    It is a great review, isn't it? :) So glad she could be my guest today!


  2. Casey, have you read Deeanne Gist? She's on my short list of favorite authors.

    Amber, thanks so much for swapping with me! I'm sorry I flaked out and posted late.

    Have an awesome Christmas!

  3. Yah Joy! Great review. This sounds great!

  4. Joy,

    It was a pleasure to swap blogs with you, and don't worry about being late! :) Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, as well!


  5. Juju,

    I agree--great review! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment for Joy. :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!