
Wednesday, November 3, 2010


My dear roommate hosted a cupcake decorating party in the third floor lobby of our dorm this past evening, and I thought I would share some pictures of the fruits of our labors!

We had lots of fun trying to be creative with the frosting, marshmallows, and candy!

Aren't they so colorful? The three in the front are mine. =) I wasn't as creative as some of the others, but it was a lot of fun trying to come up with ideas!

This is me with one of my creations. Almost time for building a snowman, right?

And here's one last close-up. The pumpkins are just store-bought candy corn pumpkins that I had. I thought it would be fitting to have a pumpkin patch cupcake this time of year!

It is so nice to have a time just to talk and have fun with close friends. And if that time just happens to include cupcakes, well, I won't complain. ;)

Here's to a sweet day for all of you!


  1. Terrific idea. Looks like a lot of fun!

  2. Yummmm. :) Sounds like you had lots of fun. :)

  3. Lindsay told me you made a snowman :D How cute! And yummy! ;)

  4. GINA: I thought it was a great idea, too! My roomie is very sweet and creative. :)

    CASEY: Yes! Yum, indeed! ;) It was definitely a lot of fun.

    ARIEL: Well, we had marshmallows so I did the obvious--made them into a snowman! ;) I'm glad you like how it turned out!

    EVERYONE: Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!


  5. What a fun idea! I always like looking at your college posts, brings back some memories :). I like the snowman and we've had snow here on Halloween already.

  6. P.S. I see you are reading Petra. Hope you like it as much as I did.

  7. :D How cute!! That's such a fun idea for a party with friends! That little snowman is my favorite :) And, I just love those candy corn pumpkins (they're my favorite fall candy). It's so cool how you used all those different candies. Are those starbursts on the other one? So adorable! And, I don't know which one of your friends made the flower ones but they're really cute too :)

    Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a sweet day, my friend :D

    Amanda Stanley

  8. Julia,

    I'm glad you enjoy the college posts. :) As stressful as college can be, we do have a lot of fun! ;)

    And I'm glad you like the little snowman one! It was fun to make, even if it wasn't really that creative or elaborate. ;)


  9. And yes, I am reading Petra! I'm about halfway done, and it is very good. :) I love how she describes life in the first century, making it real for the reader. TL Higley is very talented! Have you read any of her other books yet?


  10. Amanda,

    Thanks! My roommate did a fun job setting it up--she even made invitations for all of us! :D I'm glad you like the snowman, too. ;)

    The candy corn pumpkins are great, and yes, those are indeed cut up starbursts on the third one! :) My roommate's sister stayed the night with us last night, and she was the one who made the brown flower. :) My roommate made this awesome one that I didn't picture here--a flower made out of little marshmallow "petals" with blue sugar on them! It was quite detailed. :)

    Hope you have a sweet day, as well! :D


  11. So cute! I didn't notice this post yesterday, but hit on it just in time to make me long for some frosting. I think I'll bake after school today--and maybe bring my students a Friday treat tomorrow!

  12. Amber, I haven't gotten around to reading more of Higley (sigh). There are so many great authors and I keep finding more. Once I finish this book I think I'm almost caught up with the reviews...and I am planning to pick up Rain Song again. I was enjoying the beginning...but I get paranoid about due dates for reviews so I always feel like I have to get to those first.

  13. Renee Ann,

    Oh, I think I am always longing for frosting! ;)

    Have fun baking! I'm sure your students will be very thankful for you kindness. :)


  14. Julia,

    No worries! I know just what you mean. I have a couple more fiction books to review, plus some military books I need to review, but then I'm hoping to get to my large stack of books I've been really wanting to read that don't need to be reviewed. :)

    I really hope you enjoy Rain Song! It's a great book, and I'm so thankful you gave me the chance to read it!



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