
Thursday, November 18, 2010

CSN Stores: Review of "Dyeables Bonnie in Black" Heels

Several weeks ago I was contacted by Kate from CSN Stores and given the opportunity to review one of the CSN Stores' many products on my blog! I chose to review a pair of black heels from Shoes Got Sole (a division of the CSN Stores company) called "Dyeables Bonnie in Black." Here are my thoughts (with pictures):

It was with great excitement that I brought the package up to my dorm room, eager to see in person those lovely-looking shoes from the website. The picture at left shows the package sitting on my bed, waiting patiently for me to tear it open! ;)

The following pictures show each step of my process in opening the package:

Inside the package was this shoe box, just like one I'd find at an actual shoe store. The name of the brand "Dyeables" is on the top of the lid.

Nicely wrapped. Very professional!

Nothing was going to happen to these shoes on their way to me. Look how well-packaged they are!

And now for the grand-unveiling...

Ta-da! Aren't they beautiful? It was very fun taking the heels out of the box and admiring them. Then, of course, I had to model them!

Please don't mind the jeans--I simply modeled them right on the spot, jeans and all! ;)

Needless to say, I fell in love. These shoes are very cute, and very stylish! The online store had them in 1/2 sizes, so I was able to get size 7.5, which fit me just right. These particular shoes came with free shipping, which was great, and it didn't take too long for them to arrive at my school. I was pleased with the overall quality--of the packaging, the service, and the shoes themselves.

And I was very happy to get these shoes in time to wear them to a "Mocktail" party in honor of my RA's birthday! I wore a black dress to go along with these black heels, and I had a wonderful time dressing up, drinking non-alcoholic mixed beverages, eating chocolate-dipped pretzels and cake balls, and dancing to fancy music. Here's a picture of my roommate and me at the party in our dorm's second-floor lobby (I'm on the right):

I love these shoes, and I look forward to wearing them again soon!

(With thanks to CSN Stores for providing me with a $35 gift code in order to purchase and review a product for their company. This review is my honest opinion.)


  1. Girl those are sooo cute! Im glad you could wear them and enjoy them at the mocktail party! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Renee,

    I know! :D Aren't they great?

    It was so fun wearing them to the mocktail party! Thank you for sharing in my happiness. ;)


  3. Fun post! I've been reading more and more about CSN stores. I'm glad you decided to check some things out for us.

  4. Renee Ann,

    Thanks! :D I remember seeing Renee's (Steeler Girl's) review of a bookcase from CSN Stores several months ago, and recently I saw that another blogger reviewed products for them (like kitchenware). CSN Stores were a pleasure to work with, and I was quite excited about getting these new black heels! :)

    Glad you enjoyed the post!


  5. CUTE!! And Amber, (this is going to sound strange, but still...) You and I are wearing the same toe nail polish!! Dark purple all the way. ;) And I generally wear between a size 7 and a 7.5. This is getting weirder and weirder. In a good way. :) But I probably gave you waaay more information then you needed! :) Great review, love it! And darling pic of you and your roommate. :)

    HEY, GREAT TO HAVE YOU BACK!! Did you make all your deadlines??

  6. Well, I have never heard of CSN stores -- must be U.S. thing, but the shoes looked great! Loved the unveiling and the way you built up the suspense! That's the author in you coming out. LOL.

  7. Casey,

    Thank you! :D And that is so funny--same nail polish and shoe size!!! OK, we definitely have to meet up so we can have a nail-painting party and share shoes! ;)

    Glad you loved the review and the picture of me and my roomie! :) She's so sweet, and we had a lot of fun at the party!

    And thank you for the warm welcome back! :D I turned in my paper on Monday (on time!) and completed all three of my tests this week. My journal for Lit Crit wasn't completely ready on Monday, but I'm hoping that overall my grad will be alright. My presentation got moved to this next Monday, and I have one more test then, but then it will be Thanksgivign break! Almost there! :D

    Thank you for asking! ;)


  8. Kav,

    I hadn't really heard of CSN before blogging. ;) It's actually all on-line, I think, so you can order tons of stuff from their websites (feel free to check out my links in this post to browse their websites!).

    And hahaha, so glad you liked how I put this post together! ;) It was fun, and I love that you said it was the author in me--yay! :D


  9. Oh, I'm so glad! I was hoping this week that everything was going well for you. Yes, Thanksgiving IS almost here! :D

  10. Oh, I just love shoes!! And, those are SO CUTE!! :D I like that they were packaged so well, too- I received an adorable pair of black high heel boots in the mail last week, and lets just say I'm surprise they got to me in one piece, LOL. Will definitely have to go check out that site. Thank you for your great review :)

    And, I really like that toenail polish you're wearing! Mind if I ask what the name of it is? I just painted my toes and went a little more daring than I usually do :D I used this beautiful, almost blueberry color called "Tempest" by China Glaze- they make awesome nail polish!!

    Thanks for the smile today, my friend :) So great to have you back!!

    Amanda Stanley

  11. Casey,

    First of all, let me apologize for all of my typos in my first comment to you! Yikes! I meant "grade," not "grad," and "Thanksgiving" not "Thanksgivign." So sad... And I'm an English major?!

    Anyway, thank you for your kindness! :D You're so sweet to be concerned for me! Can't wait for Thanksgiving break! Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful, too!


  12. Amanda,

    Shoes are fun, aren't they? :D I really think these ones are cute, too! (They're even better in person!)

    And oooooh, black high heel boots? Nice! I'm glad that they did arrive in one piece. ;) These ones were really nicely packaged, and I was definitely pleased with that. Glad you liked the review!

    The nail polish is "Sugar Plum" and the brand is "Unforgettable Moments." :) I got it at a Payless Shoes store with a wine-colored nail polish (buy one get one half-off or something like that!). Your nail polish sounds awesome! I'll have to keep that brand in mind! ;) Wish we could all get together and paint our nails and just talk for hours and hours... :)

    Glad I could share some smiles, and thank you again for the warm welcome! :D


  13. Amber,

    Welcome back! Glad your rough week is over and hopefully you can enjoy your turkey worry-free!

    The shoes are so cute! I keep hearing about CSN...I had never heard of them before blogging, so they must be really developing a relationship with bloggers.


  14. Julia,

    Thank you! :) I still have a little bit more to do, but I'm almost there! ;)

    I think the shoes are adorable and really pretty, so I'm glad you agree! ;) I think the CSN Stores are doing a good job of "developing a relationship with bloggers," as you say. :) It was such a fun opportunity to review a product for them!


  15. LOVE the shoes! Although, now that it's almost winter (in some places more than others) open-toed sandals sound pretty chilly to me. But, they look great on your feet, Amber, they truly do, and I really, really hope your little "toesies" won't get frost-bitten way up there. Know that I'll be praying all ten of them. LOL;)

    I also got an e-mail from CSN to review a product, but I throw it away thinking it was some sort oj internet scam and now I wish I hadn't :( Oh well, what I never had,) I guess) I won't miss. :(
    Anyways, I hope you get to go home for Thanksgiving (some schools down here don't) and just in case I don't talk to you again before Thursday, I pray you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
    Love Ya,

  16. Ashley,

    You made me laugh out loud (LOL) with that first part of your comment! ;) I found out today after wearing the shoes to church in the wet, cold, Pacific Northwest morning that these shoes are best for warmer weather or at least warm indoor events. ;) But I'm glad you love them, too--they are very stylish and fun to wear! (BTW, thanks for the prayers for my toes!)

    I'm sorry that you didn't get the chance to review one of the CSN Stores' products. :( It's hard to tell with those sorts of e-mails what is really credible or not. I hope you get another chance to work with them--they're very nice and generous! :)

    I do get some time off for Thanksgiving, but I'm actually going to Texas to be with my dad's side of the family, so I won't be going home. But I am very excited about seeing my relatives in Texas and visiting that state for the first time! :D And 3 weeks later I'll be home for Christmas break!!! :D

    I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving, as well, dear friend! Thank you for your sweet comment. :)



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