
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sharing the Passion

I love bluegrass music, hence the reason for the "Bluegrass Festival" this upcoming weekend on my blog. And I really want you, my readers, who maybe are not familiar with bluegrass or are a bit unsure about it, to see what it is that makes bluegrass so unique and so beautiful.

So, I've decided to do two giveaways this weekend, because this is something I really believe in and something I'd like to share with you. I will be giving away one CD (iTunes download) by the artist featured on Friday, and one CD (iTunes download) by the artist featured on Saturday. Please be sure to stop by and leave a comment; I think you will be blessed by these musicians' stories and their amazing music.

Also, be sure to stop by on Sunday to learn about the reasons why I love bluegrass!

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