
Thursday, October 28, 2010

CSN Stores: Review to Come!

I recently received an e-mail from Kate with CSN Stores, and I'm excited to say that I'm going to be reviewing one of their many products here on my blog! They have a lot to offer, anything from an end table to a bookcase (like the one Renee over at Black 'n Gold Girl's Bookspot reviewed for CSN back in July).

Now, I confess I already made up my mind what I think I'd like to review. And since most of my readers are women (and the men can use the review as a possible gift idea for the women in their lives!), I think a review of a pair of adorable heels is in order! ;)

So be on the lookout for my possible "shoe review" to come! (Aren't I a wonderful poet?)


  1. Diane,

    I know, right? :D I'm excited about the opportunity, and I hope the review is interesting and helpful for all of you!


  2. Shoe review? Ugh! That's as bad as Barnyard Backside Backstory. On the other hand. . .nothing's as bad as BBB. What weird mind thinks up such things?

  3. Mysterious Mrs. S,

    *sigh* I've been spending too much time reading the Tuesday columnist's posts over at The Borrowed Book blog! ;) Oh, well. Just wait until you see pictures of the shoes. Maybe their cuteness will outweigh my bad attempts at poetry for this post!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!