
Monday, September 6, 2010

A Wonderful Package!

I simply have to share with you what came in the mail today!!! My caring mom understood how much I wanted certain books that were coming to my home right after I left for college, so at the end of last week she sent them up to Corban University--priority mail! Today I got the box with three books I am very anxious to read:

A Hope Undaunted

There has been so much excitement about this book the past few months that I can't believe I actually have my copy! I know I will want to dive into this one as soon as possible! However, I've already been pulling a couple of late-nighters (into the wee hours of the morning), so I know I need to be sure and get some sleep. ;)

But I know that when I do read this I won't be disappointed! After all, it's a book by Julie Lessman!

A Memory Between Us

I haven't read the first in this series, but I've been hearing good things about this author! I'm excited about the time period of the novel, plus the romance, of course! Love that cover, too!

Petra: City of Stone

I've got to tell you--I am so happy to have an Advanced Reader Edition of this book! It's been about a year since her last novel, Guardian of the Flame, came out, and I can't wait to read another book by T.L. Higley. I'm looking forward to being transported to another time through the pages of this book!

Now, as I'm sure many of you have heard, Casey is having a contest on her blog for the best picture of the entrants holding their copies of A Hope Undaunted while imitating the cover model. Such a fun idea! Click HERE to check out the official rules for the contest.

I saw on Joy's blog, Edgy Inspirational Romance, that she was showing the pictures she had taken for the contest. And at my roomie's urging and due to my own excitement, I'd like to share my picture entry with you, too!

Thank you to my friend, Annie, for taking the picture for me! I tried to find the timer feature for the camera, but I was having trouble, so I just asked her to come up to my room and take it for me. I was so happy I had my blue dress with me, even if the necklace is not quite as long as it ought to be. We college students have to deal with what we've got, you know. ;)

Hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!

P.S. I'm sorry that I didn't do "Monday for the Military" today, but I do hope we will keep all those military men and women (and their families) in our prayers!


  1. YEAH, I am SO glad you got your book. :) You will really enjoy Sarah's book too I think. Bless your mom for her sweetness!

    Got your photo! Can't to see what all comes in. *grin*

  2. Great pic, Amber!! Your mom is soooooo sweet! : )

    I really like the blue really works well with the cover! Lol!

    So glad it sounds like your college year is off to a good start....
    Talk to you soon!

  3. Awww that was sooo sweet of your mom and your picture is totally cute!

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. I'm so glad you got your books! I agree, that was so sweet of your mom to send them priority.
    Since you so highly recommended Petra, I got an e-book version of it, so I hope to start it tonight.
    And your picture is really cute!:)

  5. Amber & Bluerose,

    I just finished Petra and enjoyed it very much. Thanks so much for recommending Higley, Amber. I love the spiritual depth/spiritual warfare aspects mixed with adventure, historical detail and just a touch of romance. What a great combination!

    I love looking at these pictures everyone is putting up.

  6. YAY! Wonderful news about your books, Amber!! I am so excited for you, my friend!! Nothing quite like getting books in the mail, is there? Did you know they were coming or was is a surprise? Your mom is so precious :)

    It's so funny that you mention the book, "A Memory Between Us" here, because I just saw it today in Sam's Club! I was actually thinking about getting it, so maybe this is a sign that I should ;) And guess what else was also at Sam's Club today?? A Hope Undaunted!!! 15 copies to be exact! I got an email from Julie the other day saying that the copy I won on a blog giveaway is on its way, but, OH MERCY, was it hard walking away without Katie and Cluny in my shopping cart! I had the BIGGEST smile on my face when I saw it- kinda felt like Buddy in "The Elf" when (talking about Santa) he said, "I know Him! I know Him!" ...I think I scared the other customers, LOL :D

    And, your picture is so cute! Casey comes up with some great ideas, doesn't she? Good luck in the contest! And, praying you find lots time to read your wonderful books!!

    Amanda Stanley

  7. Hello everyone! :D

    CASEY: Thank you! Isn't my mom so sweet? I really appreciate her kindness! :D

    I'm also excited to see what other pictures come in! ;) Should be fun! Are you going to post all the pictures on your blog?

    HANNAH: Thank you! And about my mom--believe me, I know! ;)

    I was really glad I had that blue dress with me here at school. I'm happy you think it fits well with the cover, too!

    College is off to a good start for me, and I hope it is for you, as well! As soon as you get more settled in and comfortable on campus, I hope to be hearing about all your fun adventures!

    RENEE: I know! She's the best! :) And I'm so glad you like the picture!

    ARIEL: Thank you! You're so sweet. :)

    BLUEROSE: Me, too! I am super happy to have them, and I'm so thankful to my mom! Priority mail is rather expensive, too.

    I really hope you enjoy Petra; it will be fun to compare reviews!

    Thank you for the compliment about the picture! :)


  8. Julia,

    I'm so happy you enjoyed it! It's not hard to recommend her books. ;) I hope you get to read more of them!

    And I love the way you describe the book, because that's what I love about them, too: they're full of spiritual encouragement and spiritual warfare, history, romance, and adventure, just as you say!

    Isn't Casey's contest so fun? ;) I can't wait to see others' pictures!


  9. Amanda,

    Thank you for sharing my excitement! :D Nope, there is definitely nothing like getting books (and movies like North & South!) in the mail! I knew she was sending them up, and I was pretty sure which books they were, but I wasn't exactly sure if Petra: City of Stone would be in the package. I was so happy when it was! My mom is most certainly precious. :)

    I haven't read any of Sundin's books, but A Memory Between Us certainly looks good, and if Casey recommends it then it must be good! ;) And I know just what you mean about wanting to buy the book even if you know it's coming! I had that same problem before I came to school when I saw Surrender the Heart in Borders. It was hard not to pick it up right there and then, but the wait was more than worth it! I hope it's the same way for you and A Hope Undaunted. :) Thanks for sharing that cute story, by the way!

    Casey does have some wonderful ideas for her blogs, and I'm so glad you like the picture! Thanks for the kind wishes, and thank you so much for praying for time to read! I must confess that it's hard having all these wonderful books and knowing that I still have to do homework, but if it's God's will there will be time for all of it!


  10. Amber, great picture! I love it.

    Have a good semester at college! :)

  11. AMBER!!! That pic is TOO cute, girl!! This is going to be sooo much fun!!

    And I am THRILLED you finally got your copy of AHU ... but, oh-oh, my nail biting begins ... :)

    Have a blessed day!


  12. I'm officially jealous, Amber. LOL. I'm still waiting for my copy to come in. I suppose I should look at it as an opportunity to practice patience...something I'm not very good!!!!

    Good luck with finding the time to read it in college, though!!!!!!!!

  13. I was thinking I might, I just need to get permission from those that send them in. :) Do you care?

  14. Joy,

    Awww, thank you! Your pictures were very cute, too! :)

    And thank you for the kind words about college! Have a wonderful day!


  15. Julie,

    Yay! I'm so glad you like it! Author approval is definitely a compliment. ;)

    I have to say, I thought it was funny that I was looking up more than the cover model was...but then I'm so short, I would have to look up if I was looking at a handsome young man like Cluny out of the corner of my eye! ;)

    Anyway, I am thrilled, too, that I have my copy of A Hope Undaunted! So exciting!!! I don't think you have any cause for worry--I know I'll LOVE it! :D

    Hope I get to start it soon, because my patience is wearing a BIT thin, if you know what I mean... ;) Oh, the joys of homework...

    Hope you have a blessed day, as well!


    P.S. I have been so blessed by your Journal Jots! Today's prayer was so beautiful, and your posts are both inspiring and encouraging! I love the reminders that my heart so needs to hear. :)

  16. Kav,

    Don't worry--I understand! I've been having a bit of trouble with being patient, too. ;) I really hope you can get your copy soon!

    And thanks for the well-wishes...I've been making time to read so far, so we'll see how it goes. I'm sure some days will be better than others (especially the weekends!). Plus, I can read occasionally when I work out, and I'm quite the night owl much of the time. ;)


  17. Casey,

    I think that would be really neat to see everyone's pictures! I don't mind at all. :)


  18. Amber-- I have a string of white beads that would have been perfect! Oh, well. :D

    That book looks so good! It's set in the 20s, right? I love that time period so much!

  19. Lindsay,

    Oh, I should have thought to ask around! ;) I guess I kind of just tried to fit the "photo shoot" into a short period of time, so I went with whatever I had around.

    Doesn't this book look good? I love all of her books, and I just know this one will be fantastic! The time period is just the icing on the cake. ;)

    Thanks for stopping by!


  20. Amber! What an awesomely cute picture of you!
    I'm so happy you got your books! You'll be getting some others as well, from me soon. So be on the lookout!

    Also, I just finished A Memory Between Us. SO GOOD!!! I'm now a BIG fan of Sarah Sundin! LOL And I haven't read the first book in the series either, so don't worry about it reading the books out of order. That would something I freak out about that, but the book can definitely can be a stand-alone novel.
    Anyways, can't wait to see what you think of your new books, Amber!
    Love Ya,

  21. Ashley,

    Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it! I loved those pictures of you on Julie's Journal Jot the other day--so fun! :D

    And thank you for sending me mail! ;) I love it so! Did you get LFY in Maiden, North Carolina yet? I hope you enjoy it!

    Oh, I am so super excited to read A Memory Between Us!!! I just know I'll love it! And thank you for the assurance that I can read it without having read the first one.

    Talk to you soon! So glad you could stop by--and don't forget that "Mystery Week" is just around the corner! ;)



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