
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Revell Blog Tour: My Review of Making Waves

Here's a description of the book from Revell:

"Sun, summer, and a scrumptious sailing instructor. What more could a girl want?

When spunky Marguerite Westing discovers that her family will spend the summer of 1895 at Lake Manawa, Iowa, she couldn't be more thrilled. It's the perfect way to escape her agonizingly boring suitor, Roger Gordon. It's also where she stumbles upon two new loves: sailing, and sailing instructor Trip Andrews.

But this summer of fun turns to turmoil as her father's secrets threaten to ruin the family forever. Will free-spirited Marguerite marry Roger to save her father's name and fortune? Or will she follow her heart--even if it means hurting the family she loves?

Full of sharp wit and blossoming romance, Making Waves will whisk you away to a breezy lakeside summer holiday."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

This is not just one of those books with a fun, fancy cover without a fun, fancy story to go with it! I really enjoyed reading this story, and I was pleased to discover that it led me from the shallow end into the deeper waters of truth and love.

From start to finish I was intrigued with all the ways Marguerite found to “make waves,” from her unconventional passions to her penchant for hiding the truth. The lessons she learns about the freedom of honesty and the necessity of priorities are quite applicable to all of our lives.

As far as the romance goes, I was swept away by the charms of Trip, the sailing instructor, and I was happy with all the heart-racing moments scattered among the pages! Some parts could perhaps be considered too sweet or too unrealistic, but I don’t think that’s a problem for those readers who love a good Christian romance book.

Looking back I can say that I had a lovely trip to Lake Manawa with these wonderful characters, and I wouldn’t mind traveling back there again sometime through the writing of Lorna Seilstad!

*With thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.*

“Available September 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”


  1. Glad you enjoyed Making Waves too, Amber! Doesn't the cover match the contents of the book? It's one case where you can judge the book by its cover!

    One of the things I loved about Marguerite was her 'irreverant' appeals to God. Those funny, outrageous prayers kept me laughing...especially since I do that as well.

  2. Kav,

    I am in complete agreement--the cover fits so well with the book, in a good way! :) I confess that I'm one of those people who often judges a book by its cover. At least, usually the cover is what initially attracts me, and I love having books with pretty covers AND good stories to keep. ;)

    Oh, yes, Marguerite was quite the character! She may have had problems with deceit, but she certainly shared whatever was on her mind to God! It's so amazing that He listens to our prayers and knows our thoughts! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!