
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Quick Update

I hope ya'll have stopped by the party going on at Ashley's blog: After All....... Tomorrow is Another Day. We've been having such a fun time celebrating the release of Julie Lessman's latest book, A Hope Undaunted!

Anyway, I've had such a good time at her party, that it makes me want to do something fun and exciting this weekend on my blog! ;) I'm hoping to post a book review of Love, Charleston sometime tonight or tomorrow, and then the very next post will be my 150th post! (Can you believe it?!)

So in order to celebrate, I thought we could do either a book discussion, a party, or both! You can vote in the poll as to which option you would prefer. As far as a possible discussion would go, I regret to say that I can't really lead a discussion on A Hope Undaunted as I don't have my copy yet. But hopefully soon! =)

Feel free to toss out ideas in the comment section below. The big event will be on Saturday, September 4, which I hope will work well for everyone! After that, we'll be drawing ever closer to "Mystery Week," which I'm really looking forward to. Thank you in advance for any comments!


  1. Hey Amber!
    I'm so, SO glad you enjoyed the party. You don't know how stressed I was writing the "party post". Long story short, I was near tears while I was trying to get Blogger to insert some picture into the post, and I almost gave up on the whole idea because of pure frustration!
    I can't believe it's going to be your 150th post! Congrats Amber!!! I think I'm at 97 posts so far. Not anything to be too proud of, but, I'm getting there. ;)
    Also, you don't know how much I looking forward to Mystery Week. I'm a BIG mystery fan, so I know it's going to be tons of fun, Amber.
    And as for ideas for this book discussion/party, I’m at a lost. Blame it on the fact that is my fried brain because of Algebra. Ugh!
    Can't wait till the 4th!
    Love Ya,

  2. Dear Ashley,

    The party was really fun, but I'm so sorry that it caused you so much stress! :( I'm glad you didn't give up, though, because I think Julie and everyone (including me!) all loved it! You did a great job with the whole countdown celebration!

    Thank you for the congrats! You are getting up there, for sure, and we might just have to celebrate your 100th post, too, you know... ;) But hopefully stress-free this time (or as much as possible)!

    I'm so happy you're looking forward to "Mystery Week"! I'm hoping that my ideas for it our as fun for ya'll as they are for me. ;)

    Thank you for your enthusiasm on all counts! You're a wonderful friend! And no worries about not having any ideas for Saturday--I don't blame you when it comes to math class. ;)


  3. This sounds like fun, Amber. Wow, you are a prolific blogger. I think I just hit the early 100s and I've been blogging for about the same time you have. But now that "school" for me has started with my kiddos don't have as much time for the blog. :)

  4. Julia,

    Yay! I'm glad you think so. :)

    And I know I probably blog more than I ought to sometimes, but I just love it so much! I love getting comments from you and all of my other readers, and I love the friendships that we've made. :) But yes, I can definitely understand not having as much time now that school has started. I hope your kids have a great year! (And I hope you have a great year, as well!)


  5. Thanks. I know what you mean. I love blogging, too, and getting to know other bloggers (like you :)

    We're enjoying the school year. My daughter is 5 and just starting to read and I can't wait until I can share some of my childhood favorites with her :)

  6. You're welcome! ;) And thank you for the sweet compliment--you're such a sweet friend!

    I'm glad the year is going well so far, and that will be so fun to read with your daughter! :D



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