
Friday, September 17, 2010

My Review of Polly Dent Loses Grip

Here's a description of the book from

"Who says exercise is good for one’s health? Certainly not Polly Dent!

Polly Dent Loses Grip on the treadmill and takes a fatal spill that’s ruled an accident.

While helping her mother-in-law move into Bridgeton Towers Assisted Living & Nursing, LaTisha Barnhart’s nose smells trouble simmering. The residents’ gossip is revealing all kinds of motives for murder.

Gertrude Herrman is out looking for love in the form of Thomas Philcher (or is it love of his fat wallet instead?), and Polly’s fall eliminates Gertrude’s competition once and for all.

Otis Payne, the venerable director of Bridgeton Towers, is over a barrel when his wife demands cash—or else she’ll carry on without him.

Mitzi Mullins’s penchant for rhyme puts her in direct line as perpetrator of the crime, and Sue Mie’s mistake seals Polly’s fate.

Can LaTisha stay on her achin’ feet, and one step ahead of the villain, long enough to solve yet another crime?"

My Rating: Spring

My Review:

In an interview I did with the author of this book (S. Dionne Moore), I asked her what she enjoyed most about writing mysteries. She replied, "Always, always, always, I enjoy the characters first." Now that I've read one of her LaTisha Barnhart Mysteries, I know what she means! The characters in this book are fantastic--authentic, intriguing, and just plain fun!

LaTisha and her husband Hardy have a sweet relationship, and it was my great pleasure to be privy to their teasing and their teamwork. All of the characters, from the elderly in Bridgeton Towers Assisted Living & Nursing to the brief appearances of characters from LaTisha's hometown, have their own stories. I love how the author balances the humorous with the serious. These characters were real, with lots of laughs and even some heartbreak.

As far as the mystery goes, S. Dionne Moore kept me guessing until the very end! There were enough characters with motives to leave me practically clueless. Good thing there was an epilogue to explain everything for me!

This is an unconventional and entertaining mystery story! Don't let the book's small size fool you--it is fully developed and it has a big heart!

*With thanks to the author for my copy of the book.*


  1. I love your reviews, Amber, You could make your living at this -- become a New York Times reviewer or something! LOL. This book sounds like fun -- the title is pun-y. I'll have to check it out.

  2. Kav,

    Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the compliment!!! :D I'm so glad you enjoy my reviews, and I hope that they're helpful. It's so neat to think that reviews of great books can be fun to read, too. ;)

    This was a fun book, and I think you would like it! I haven't read the first in the series, which is called Murder on the Ol' Bunions :) , but I think each book can stand alone. There's a third one coming out next year, too! Plus she recently had an historical romance published with Heartsong, which I hope to read sometime in the semi-near future. (I have so many great books waiting to be read!)

    Thank you for your super-kind comment!



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