
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Launch of a New Post Series

In the tradition of Country magazine, Diners, Drive-Ins, & Dives hosted by Guy Fieri, and the "Love Finds You" Christian fiction book series, "Seasons of Humility" brings you Sightseeing by the Seasons (working title). With this new post series, readers will have the opportunity to tour across America, visiting the back-roads and out-of-the-way places you've always wanted to travel to or won't want to miss in future journeys. Each business featured will be seasonal--like orchards and farms for the fall, Christmas shops for the winter, etc. So please join me in celebrating the seasons and supporting those unique small town business we love!


What do you think? Above is the culmination of my latest brainstorming with my wonderful dad. It has been so much fun running ideas by him and talking about where this new feature could go!

Now I'm asking you, my faithful readers, what you think of the idea. Does it sound appealing to you? Would you be willing to help me in the future by letting me know what places you would like to see featured (and helping me get in contact with the owners in order to do an interview)? We're talking about anything from road-side stands to Bed and Breakfasts to small town stores. I'm so excited about the possibility of taking a continuous road-trip with all of you! This would not necessarily be a weekly feature--it would be a surprise as to when each new place would be featured (depending on participation, etc.).

Let me know what you think! I really value your opinions! If you don't have time to leave a comment, feel free to simply vote on the poll in the sidebar. Thank you!


  1. This sounds like a lot of fun, Amber. Have you ever visited I always browse it before we travel because it lists the types of places that Guy features.

    You have the greatest ideas! I just love watching them unfold!




    YES! Please do this Amber!!!! It sounds like so much fun : ) It would also be really, really cool to feature some of the places we're all from? You know not necessarily towns obviously but maybe like Vermont or Tennesee (I don't know where everyone's from! Lol!). It could either be the state as a whole or just choose a quaint little town (we could all help with that part!). It would get some great interaction with the followers too....I don't know, please don't take my idea if you don't like it! I'd respect that for sure!

    : )

    But do this idea!! Yours is so cool!

  3. Hi Amber:

    I think it is a great idea. Your English degree might land you an advertising job!

    I’d look to Route 66 for ideas as it has a very big following of fans. There are several Route 66 Clubs and the businesses along the route are old hands at giving interviews.

    Also, I’ve seen books along the lines of “Back roads Oklahoma” etc. There are also events in the many old Forts out west. There are also Renaissance Festivals and Civil War re-enactor events. Apple orchards are interesting as well as the old Round Barns. I believe you can even pay to be part of an old style cattle drive at the end of the Oklahoma Panhandle.

    Actually there seems to be no limit to ideas. Perhaps the best ones will be those that present the best photo opportunities.

    I’ll be watching to see what you choose!

    Good luck,


  4. Julia,

    Yay! I'm glad you think so. :) Thanks for the heads up about that site! I miss watching Food Network while I'm here at school. ;)

    Anyway, thank you so much for your encouragement! You have fabulous idea, too--like the "Fruits of the Spirit"-themed series, and the "Blogging as a Ministry" week (which I am really looking forward to, by the way)!


  5. Hannah,

    Thank you so, so much yet again for your enthusiasm! It means so much to me, and I'm so glad you like the idea! :D

    And, YES! I completely agree with your idea. That's definitely what I want when I ask for your participation! :) I can easily think of places in my hometown and places I've visited, but I need your help to find places in other areas of the United States (AKA where you've been and where you live). I'd so appreciate your help, and the participation of many of my followers!

    I was thinking about adding a place above or in the sidebar that would have my e-mail so people could e-mail me their suggestions of places to feature (and how I can get in contact with them). What do you think?

    Thank you so much for your suggestions and your excitement! :D


  6. Vince,


    Thank you! I really appreciate your suggestions, advice, and support! I was talking with my dad on the phone when I saw your comment, and I had to tell him about that first part. I hadn't really thought about that, but I'm so excited to think of all the possibilities an English major can provide! :)

    I love the idea about Route 66, as well as the other events and places you mention! I'll definitely have to keep all of those in mind. That part about the cattle drive reminds me of the movie City Slickers. (Have you seen it?) ;) Great idea!

    Thank you once again for your encouragement!


  7. Your creativity know no bounds, Amber!!! Love the autumny look but the way. For a second I thought I had arrived at the wrong blog! LOL.

    I think it would be fun if your virtual travels took in some places we've read about in Boston for instance in honour of the Lessman series. Or Kentucky or...well, I always thought that if I became rich and famous (rolling eyes) I'd tour the world and stop at places an author brought to life for me through the pages of her book.

  8. I love this idea! I'll have to see if I can think of places.

    BTW, I love Kav's suggestion of places we've read about in books. If you want to spotlight Kentucky, I'd be happy to give you some suggestions.

  9. Kav,

    Thank you for your kind words! And that's too funny about thinking this was the wrong blog at first. ;) The layout should stay similar, with the header at top followed by a picture, and with two columns instead of three, should you ever get confused again. ;) But then again, maybe I'll have to throw ya'll off one of these days...

    Anyway, that's a great idea about traveling to places we have read about in books! :) If we could keep that within the theme of the seasons, I think that would be a lot of fun! Definitely something to keep in mind. :)

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!


  10. Michelle,

    Thank you! I'm so glad you like it! :D

    And yes, I would love to spotlight places in Kentucky! Do you know of any places that specifically have to do with fall? Any farms that sell produce or have special fall activities? Any specialty stores or food places that celebrate fall? Let me know! I think I'll be adding that element in the sidebar of somewhere at the top that will give my followers my contact information. :)


  11. Ooooh, I love road trips! I have a travel blog that I never have time to update. But I would love to follow along with where your blog visits.

  12. Joy,

    You have a travel blog? That sounds so fun! :D You'll have to let us know if you ever find time to get back into it--although your other blog is so great and detailed that I don't know how you would have time for both! :)

    I'm glad you like this idea, and thank you for the support!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!