
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Change in Seasons and Blog Awards!

First of all, I'm sure you have all seen the new blog design. I love being able to change backgrounds and color schemes, as well as the header picture. (Thank you once again to Ashley for the suggestion of changing my blog design each new season!) Which leads me to a question: do you like the new blog design? Is there too much empty space, making it hard to read?

On Wednesday (which I believe is the first day of fall!) I'll do a full post to welcome the new season. In that post, I'll give you an explanation of the connections between the header picture and the new season (like I did with the summer mountain picture). I'll also tell you more about an addition to the blog schedule and some upcoming events. Be sure and stop by!

Now, I was pleasantly surprised when Gina from Hott Books passed on two blog awards to me yesterday! Gina is my newest follower, and I'm so touched by her interest in and support of my blog. Thank you so much, Gina!

Here are the two blog awards:

I guess the "rules" now are to tell you five things about myself. ;) So here they are:
  1. I am a night owl. Hence, the reason I'm working on my blog design and posting in the wee hours of the morning. ;)
  2. I just started helping out at the AWANA program at a local church. I never did AWANA when I was younger, but I really loved helping the "Sparks" (kindergarten through 2nd grade) this past Sunday, and I'm excited about this next year! To think that I get to do something like this for church service credit at Corban University--fun stuff!
  3. I hate mashed potatoes. Really. True, I haven't tried them in a long time, but I won't go near them anymore.
  4. I'm really enjoying my Petrine Epistles class this semester! This class is devoted to studying First and Second Peter in the Bible. I had the same professor last fall for Bible Study Methods, and he's very knowledgeable. I think many of my classes are opening my mind a lot this semester, which can be difficult but rewarding.
  5. I have a rather large TBR stack just waiting for me right now! ;) Oh boy, do I have a lot of reading to do--which is wonderful, even if it is a bit time-consuming!
I'm going to pass the Versatile Blogger award on to:
I'm going to pass the Honest Scrap award on to:
Ladies, you all have such beautiful, creative blogs! Thank you for encouraging, entertaining, giving to, and inspiring your readers!

Readers, be sure and check out these blogs if you haven't already!

P.S. I apologize for skipping "True Love Tuesday" this week. I got a little carried away with blog designs, blog awards, etc. ;)


  1. Thank you so much! This particular award means so much because (although not always sucessful) that is one of my goals for my blog to be honest in my walk. Hopefully it will be a reminder to me to humble myself and keep honesty on my blog.

    Thanks so much Amber. I hope you know how blessed I've been by your blog and your honesty has spurred me on in my own walk. Blessings!

  2. Congrats! You deserve it! I love the design - especially the pic. That is one of the most moving memorials there! Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Julia,

    From what I've seen so far, you do a wonderful job of maintaining honesty on your blog, whether it's sharing your kind but heartfelt review of a book or sharing about the struggles you've been facing in your everyday life. I'm so happy to be able to pass this award on to you! :)

    Thank YOU for the encouraging words and all the support you've given me! I have been very blessed by your friendship!


  4. Gina,

    Thank you so much for the awards--and for the kind words! I'm so glad we got to "meet" each other! :)

    Also, thank you for the encouraging words about the design! I really loved this background. :)

    As for the picture, I had been trying different ones out, and when I put this one in it seemed to truly fit in so many ways. I'm looking forward to sharing some more of why it fits, in my opinion. :) It means so much to me that the picture is what you really liked about the design! That memorial is truly, truly moving.

    Thank you for stopping by!


  5. I love helping with AWANA! I miss it this year though :( And I HATE mashed potatoes too!!!!

  6. First, I want to say that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your new blog design!! It is SO PERFECT for fall!! Second, CONGRATULATIONS on those blog awards, my friend, you deserve them!! And CONGRATULATIONS to those ladies and their great blogs you passed them off to! You are all such a blessing and inspiration and I'm blessed to have "met" you all in the blogging world :D

    And, Amber, you hate mashed potatoes??? :0 Oh goodness, Ariel, too??? Well, I'll keep you ladies in prayer ;)

    Amanda Stanley

  7. I love the new background, it's so perfect for the season.

    Know exactly what you mean about being a night owl, so am I. It's really bad though when you have to be up by 8 in the morning, lol.

    So funny that you don't like mashed potatoes, I didn't like them for years either. I think I probably didn't like the texture. I will eat them now, but I always say I like a little potato with my butter.

    I hope you enjoy AWANA! My church doesn't have it, but I've heard really great things about the program.

  8. Ariel,

    I'm really enjoying it so far! The kids are so sweet, and I just love Bethany Baptist Church! It's so nice to have found a place here in Salem where I feel really comfortable. Last year I didn't go to church very often. :(

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who's not fond of mashed potatoes! ;)


  9. Amanda,

    Yay! I saw this blog background while looking at the site Renee got her latest one from, and I just loved it! The pictures I had been trying before to put below the header weren't really fitting very well, and then I tried this one of the memorial and BAM! It was just right. :)

    Thank you so much for the congratulations for both me and these other bloggers! Their blogs are wonderful, and I'm so glad I could pass the awards on to them! :)

    I appreciate the prayer--it might just take a miracle to get me to like mashed potatoes. Kidding! But really, I don't see myself changing my mind anytime soon. ;)


  10. Michelle,

    Thank you! I'm so glad you like the design! :)

    Oh, and isn't it, though? I have 9:00 AM classes every weekday, and I usually like to go and have breakfast beforehand, which means getting up around 7:40-ish... Oy!

    Thank you for your understanding when it comes to mashed potatoes. ;) I'm almost positive it's a texture thing with me, too. Hence, the reason I don't go for applesauce or other "mushy" foods like that. Love that line, though: "I always say I like a little potato with my butter." ;D

    I've heard great things about AWANA, too, and I'm excited to be involved in it this year. Thank you for your kind words!


  11. Thanks. You are sweet, Amber. I'm blessed by knowing you online as well and I LOVE the new Fall design. Gosh, I think I am way overdue to change my design. I love the leaves.


  12. Julia,

    Awww, thanks, Julia! :) And I'm glad you like the new design! I love the leaves, too--they're such a beautiful part of fall, all those vivid colors.

    I really like your design the way it is. :) It can be fun to change things up off and on, though, and I like the fact that since my blog is based on "seasons" I can change the design at regular intervals. Maybe you could just change little parts of your blog--like add some new things to the sidebar or something like that just for fun--but I must say that I do love the background you have a lot! :D It fits so well with your title.


  13. I left a comment this morning, but crazy blogger messed up. :)

    Thank you so much for the award!!

    And I also love your new background! I'm really looking forward to the fall season.

  14. Bluerose,

    Oh, crazy blogger! Sorry about that. I'm glad you still decided to leave a comment later on. :)

    You're welcome; I'm more than happy to pass on the award to you! And thank you for the kind words about the background! I saw it and thought it was lovely, and I think it fits so well! Fall is such a beautiful season, for sure. :)


  15. Goodness I'm always the last one to these things. I guess I'll never be known for being punctual. And thank you so much Amber for the award! I'll try to post about sometime this next week.
    I've been in AWANA my whole life, up until 6th grade. It was so much fun, and from time to time, you'll catch me singing the Sparks theme song. We are sparks, sparks, sparks, SPARKS to light the world. LOL; D

    Oh, surly I'm not the Ashley who gave you the idea about changing the background, cause I know I'm not that creative, but I do love this new fall look! Makes me want to eat caramel apples and carve pumpkins. LOL What a bummer it is that it's still 100's here during the day. I'm so ready for the colder weather and smell of wood smoke in the air.Hmmm...
    Thanks again for the great award, Amber Girl!
    Love Ya,

  16. Ashley,

    You're welcome! :) I'm so happy I could pass on the award to you. Besides all the other wonderful aspects about your blog, I was quite impressed with your release party for A Hope Undaunted!!!

    That's so neat that you got to be raised in AWANA. :) It seems like a great program! I'm excited to help with the Sparks!

    And yes, you goose, you are the Ashley! ;) That was so great when you helped encourage me to change the background when summer rolled around, and now I'm excited to have a different design for fall! So, thank you!

    I'm so glad you like the background! :D I can't believe the weather you East Coast people are enduring, though! Yikes! Hope fall comes to you soon! :) Carving pumpkins and taking in the smell of woodsmoke sounds really nice right now...

    Thanks for stopping by, Ashley! :)



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