
Monday, August 23, 2010

My Review of Rain Song

Here's a description of the book from Bethany House:

"His words have unlocked a special place in her heart, but he lives in the one place she vowed she'd never return...

Nicole Michelin avoids airplanes, motorcycles, and most of all, Japan, where her parents once were missionaries. Something happened in Japan. Something that sent Nicole and her father back to America alone. Something of which Nicole knows only bits and pieces. But she is content with life in little Mount Olive, North Carolina, with her quirky relatives, tank of lively fish, and plenty of homemade pineapple chutney.

Through her online column for the Pretty Fishy website, Nicole meets Harrison Michaels, who, much to her dismay, lives in Japan. She attempts to avoid him, but his e-mails tug at her heart.

Then Harrison reveals that he knew her as a child in Japan. In fact, he knows more about her childhood than she does! Will Nicole face her fears in order to discover her past and take a chance on love?"

My Rating: Summer

My Review:

Profound. That is the word that comes to mind when I think of what I just finished reading. The book is beautiful in its simplicity--the message as clear as rain and yet, somehow, as blurred as rain on glass. I think this is due to the fact that there is so much to relate to and so much to learn from Nicole's struggles, while at the same time it is overwhelming to try and consider all that transpires within the pages.

The quote at the beginning of the book from Helen Keller is just right for this story: "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." What a powerful statement! The main character seems to be trying to come to grips with this idea throughout most of the novel. In the beginning, the story almost feels like a rainy afternoon. The first person point of view is interesting and different, and it took some getting used to. But eventually the sun begins to light the drenched world the reader is introduced to, slowly. And I found myself enchanted with all of the characters and all of the possibilities.

The life in this book is authentic. Nicole's nervous habits, her time spent on the computer, her relationship with her grandmother...all of it in some way rang true for me. The romance was gently sifted in mainly through written correspondence, and yet I still felt its pull.

This book is a journey--compiled steps of growth--that comes together to utter satisfaction. So many lines touched me that I'm sad to think I might forget them. Here is one from page 215, when a pastor is praying for one of the character's healing:

"I suppose God knows how much she means to each of us in this room, but I also supposed appreciation for His creation is something He never tires of hearing."

Again, I will repeat that I think this book is quite profound. I can only hope that at least some of what I read will stay with me for a long time to come, and that I can take the story's message to heart.

*With thanks to Julia Reffner from the Dark Glass Ponderings blog for my copy of this book, which I won in a giveaway.*


  1. Oh, Amber. I'm so glad you were blessed by this book. I had a feeling you would be somehow. But I'm glad to see that you did enjoy it. I can't wait until I can fit this into the reading list.

    Do you find first person more difficult to read? I'm curious about this because my WIP is first person and it came out quite naturally that way, easier for me to write. But I wonder if that will be an issue.

  2. Julia,

    Yes, it was a blessing, and I'm so thankful you gave me the chance to read it! :) I hope you enjoy the book, too!

    As far as first person POV, I think it entirely depends. I feel really silly that I don't know if I'm saying this right, but I believe this book is first person POV in the present tense. That is, it's not saying, "I ate something," but rather, "I'm eating something." Does that make sense? I guess a lot of books I read are ones that are recalling a story, rather than ones where a story is taking place as you're reading it. ;)

    And that doesn't mean it was bad at all! It was just different, but I think in this case it was a good-different. :) Some stories just need to be told from a certain POV. Hope that helps!


  3. Thanks, Amber. I must say I'm just curious because I'm so new to this but since my WIP is first person I was curious as to points of view on this. I don't think I've ever read a book in first person present, sounds intriguing to me.

  4. Julia,

    It WAS intriguing! ;) And I'm sure your WIP is great! If first person POV feels right, then I'm sure it must be right. ;)

    And I'm planning on having my mom pass this book on to her friend, so I hope she is blessed by it, too!


  5. Thanks, Amber for the review! So glad you enjoyed Rain Song. All my novels are in first-person present; I love writing in this style.

    Thanks for reading and sharing. Thanks, Julia, for your comments, too.

    ~ Alice J. Wisler

  6. Alice,

    Thanks for stopping by! :) It was great learning more about you at Operation: Encourage an Author!

    I really enjoyed Rain Song and I hope I get to read more of your books. Hatteras Girl looks great! :)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!