
Monday, August 2, 2010

My Review of Abbie Ann & Giveaway

Here's a description of the book from Whitaker House: "Abbie Ann Kane, the youngest of Jacob Kane's three daughters, is a busy woman. Between running the Whatnot, the family's general store, being active in the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and assisting the elderly citizens of Sandy Shores, Michigan, she has little time for frivolous matters. And those include matters of the heart. When the recently divorced Noah Carson comes to town with son Toby in tow to pursue a shipbuilding business, Abbie Ann tries to keep her distance-especially when his flagrant ex-wife shows up. But God has other plans in mind…"

My Review:

I am sorry to say that this is another book I didn't finish. I read a little over a hundred pages and skipped ahead some, but I just didn't really get into it.

MacLaren's writing is good, no question! She gives a lot of details, which I enjoyed to some degree but also disliked in that they seemed to slow the story down. The characters were interesting, but I didn't feel emotionally connected to them and they often seemed kind of "unreal" to me.

However, I confess that this is another case where I tried to read the third book before reading the first two in a series. So perhaps it would make a difference if one reads the whole series in the order they were meant to be read.

That being said, I would like to give someone else a chance to read this book and see for themselves whether or not they like it. So I'll be giving away my gently used copy of Abbie Ann. And this way there will be some reading material given away during out "Reading Retreats" week. =)

If you would like to enter the giveaway, please note the following:
  • You must leave a comment saying you would like to be entered, and you must leave your e-mail address.
  • This drawing is only open to those with a United States mailing address.
  • Winner will be announced on Saturday, August 7.


  1. I would love the opportunity to win this book. In the past when I've hit a roadblock in a book, I put it down and read others. Then I come back and try again. Only once it didn't help. But there just are some reads that people don't care for. Please enter me.
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  2. Carmen,

    I know what you mean. :) I did put this one aside for a little while--I've been kind of reading it off and on--but I don't know... I guess I can be rather impatient and I just decided I'd let someone else have an opportunity to read it.

    Thanks for your entry!


  3. I love your honest review! I've had a few books that I did not I didn't even make it past the first 5 chapters. :) This series is on my to read list, but I'd like to read the first 2 books no need to enter me.

  4. Sara,

    Thank you. :) I hope its helpful and not too harsh, because like I said to Carmen I can be kind of impatient if it's taking too long to get into a book. I know Casey had a discussion on her blog about this sort of issue, and I think a lot of people always try to finish the books they start. Unfortunately, I'm not like that nearly as often as I should be, but I guess I just like a book that won't let me put it down, you know? ;)

    Hope you enjoy this series, though, and maybe by reading it in order you'll enjoy it far more!


  5. This sounds good, so I'll give it a chance :) Thanks for being honest, Amber!


  6. Ariel,

    Thanks for your entry, and you're welcome! :)


  7. Honest reviews are the best, Amber! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    I'd love to give this book a try! Please enter me in the contest!! :-D

    Thanks - Katie M


  8. Katie,

    Thanks. :) And, you're welcome! ;) Glad you could stop by, and thanks for your entry!


  9. Please enter me in the giveaway! What a beautiful cover. Thanks!


    hspruitt {at} juno {dot} com

  10. Sheri,

    It is a pretty cover, isn't it? :) Thanks for your entry!


  11. i do appreciate your honesty, amber...i'm interested in reading this novel...please count me in.

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  12. Karen,

    Thank you for the kind words and the entry! :)


  13. I love an honest review, so thank you, Amber. I've enjoyed other books by Sharlene and definitely want to give this one a try. Thank you for being willing to share.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  14. Carole,

    You're welcome! I haven't read any of her other books, but I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed the ones you've read. :) Thank you for your entry!


  15. I've enjoyed other books by Sharlene, I'd love to try this one. Thanks for the opportunity!

  16. Merry,

    You're welcome! :) Thank you for your entry!


  17. Please don't enter me I already have the book, just wanted to let you know that I posted it on my blog :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  18. Renee,

    You're the greatest! :D Thanks so much!!!


  19. Please enter me. I read the first two books in this series and absolutely loved them! I haven't read this one yet though. Thanks.


  20. Barbara,

    See, I haven't read the first two in the series, so maybe I missed out by trying to read the third first! ;) I'm so glad you enjoyed the first two, and thanks for your entry!


  21. Amber, I so appreciate your honest review :) And I agree, this book was a little dragged out. I have read the first 2 books in this series and LOVED them, so that's why I was a little disappointed with this one. Hannah Grace and Maggie Rose were wonderful reads, my favorite being MR. I recommend reading them both- even though it's a series, they could also be stand alone novels and you won't get thrown off if you read them out of order... a few things may be spoiled, though ;)

    But there were a handful of really great scenes between Abbie and Noah that made the dragged out stuff kinda worth it. I hate having to do it, but I've also had to give up on a book a few times and it always sours my mood and hinders me from reading anything else the rest of the week :( It's like I have to go through a mourning period before I can enjoy another book- LOL, I'm weired, I know :)

    Anyway, hopefully you'll get a chance to read the the first 2 in the series, and maybe it will give you a second wind for Abbie Ann :)

    Amanda Stanley

  22. Amanda,

    Thank you! I also heard from someone else before I read it that the third book didn't move as quickly as the other two. I picked this book up a while ago at Borders on a whim, but why I keep gettting the third books before the others in a series is a wonder, isn't it? ;)

    You are so sweet, Amanda, and while I'm sorry that quitting on a book ruins the rest of your week, I can't help but admire the care and concern you seem to put into all you do. When I quit on a book, I usually just move on right away. I think I have so many I haven't really tried or I've given up on that I don't know what to do with myself. ;)

    Thank you for sharing and for your recommendations!


  23. Amber ...first I love the mountain beautiful!
    Please enter me...I like the topic of the book and would love to give it a try.
    Thank You!


  24. Maureen,

    Thank you! :) I love Mt. Bachelor--Oregon is just so beautiful!

    And thanks for your entry, as well!


  25. Please sign me up.
    Theresa N

  26. Theresa,

    I'm sorry to say that this giveaway is over. :( But be sure and stop by again soon, because there should be more giveaways to come! :)

    Thanks for visiting!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!