
Monday, August 30, 2010

My Mom and Me

Today was a long day! Saying goodbyes this morning (and last night) was really hard. I love my family so much, and I'm going to miss them terribly while I'm away at school once again! But we'll keep in touch, and I have some wonderful memories that I made this summer which I can hold close in my heart.

Anyway, my mom drove me up to Oregon, and we had lots of fun together! We ate lunch at Hellgate in Grants Pass, at the River Rock Cafe, which we love. The decorations in there are so lovely, and after lunch we enjoyed a short walk near the river.

The drive was bittersweet, consisting of mother-daughter talks and listening to music for the most part. We arrived in Salem by early evening, and after checking into our hotel, we drove over to Corban University. My sweet roomie was not there at the time, but my mom and I were so proud that we were able to set up my half of the room already! ;) Now, tomorrow can be reserved for shopping together and having girl-time! (Again, hope I don't get too carried away, but it is nice to have new clothes and such!)

We ended up eating a late dinner at Olive Garden, which was great! These pictures are from there, and doesn't the food look good? My mom and I split a dish of Chicken Scampi for dinner and a slice of Black Tie Mousse Cake for dessert.

Well, now that you've heard all about my day, I hope you're not too bored! ;) May this post remind you of the delightful blessing of family--how grand it is to just spend time together and to know that loved ones are there for you to support you and help you--whether they are blood-relations or close friends that are just like family! I'm so blessed to have a dear "family" of blogging friends with all of you!


  1. Hey AMber!!!
    Awwwww sad...

    : (

    No, this wasn't boring at all and now you have me craving Olive Garden, darn you!

    I leave on Friday, but especially since I'm a freshman, it'll be nothing like this! Seriously....there's no time for relaxing. We have 1/2 hour set aside that any family that came with you, has to leave. No ands, ifs, or buts. : S A lil nervous, but trying to stay hopeful.

    Good luck, good luck, good luck to you! Not that it sounds like you need it too much : ) When do you start classes?
    Talk to you soon(?)

  2. Hi Hannah! :D

    I've missed seeing you in the blogging world, though I'm sure you've been keeping busy! I'm glad the post didn't bore you, although I'm sorry I made you crave Olive Garden... ;)

    The first year will probably be the hardest, but it will also be exciting with all of the orientation fun! I hope the transition goes smoothly for you and that you enjoy all of the "newness." ;)

    Thank you for the kind words! Good luck to you, as well--I'm sure you'll do great! I start classes on Wednesday, so my mom and I have a little more time together, even if it is in the rain...

    Yes, talk to you soon! ;) (If you're not TOO busy!)


  3. Best wishes on your new year at school (you too Hannah)! They sure do fly by!

    It's tough to say goodbye to family especially when you're so close to them but at least you will have some good friends to make it a little easier.

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. I have been to that restaurant in Grants Pass! For my dad's high school reunion a few years ago (He went to Grants Pass High School) we all rode their crazy fun boats down there :) It was so fun!

    Hope school goes well for you! Maybe you can come up with Lindsay sometime to visit me ;)

  5. Renee,

    Thank you! And yes--time is flying much too fast for me! ;) So I need to learn to be more appreciative of the time I have!

    I am glad that I have close friends to help me through this time, including my dear blogging friends. ;) Thank you for your sweet comment!


  6. Ariel,

    Cool! Isn't there food good? And I just LOVE the atmosphere! :) Those jet boats DO seem like a lot of fun!

    I hope school goes well for you, as well, and it would be fun to see you again sometime soon! :)


  7. Thanks for sharing your day, I have every confidence that the time will fly by for you with schoolwork and blogging (:) and before you know it another break will be here again to see your family. :) I love spending time with my mom, we went shopping for her work yesterday and didn't get hom until 11 last night! Long day, but a great time together. Enjoy those moments! They make great memories. :)

  8. Casey,

    Thank you for the encouraging words! I did have a wonderful time shopping with my mom, although I get tired of it much more quickly than she does. ;)

    My mom is so wonderful, and it was hard to say goodbye to her today. But I know that I can treasure the memories we have and look forward to when we'll be greeting each other with a warm hug once again!

    I'm glad you had a great time shopping with your mom, as well! And I'm glad that I have friends like you that will still be with me in the blogging world. ;)


  9. Ashley
    Bored? I'm no such thing when I come here. And I'm with Hannah, I want some Olive Garden, too (not that my waist-line is going to be very happy about that though).LOVE the pictures you posted. You and your mom are both beautiful and you guys look so much alike!
    I've never really had to be away from my parents for more than a month or two, so to me, going to college would be frightening. But, I'm so glad you're getting to spend time with your mom before she leaves and I’m sure you’re making some great memories together.
    I hope that you get awesome roommates and next time you go to Olive Garden, invite me along, will ya?
    Love Ya,

  10. Ashley,

    Sorry I didn't see this comment until now! Oops! ;)

    Thanks for that sweet compliment! Glad you enjoy my blog. :D And my mom is so beautiful, isn't she? I'm honored to have you say that I look like her!

    College can sometimes be difficult (being away from home so long), but Corban is a great school. I'm excited because my parents are coming up to visit in a couple of weeks (hopefully!). :D

    My roommate is super nice (we became friends last year)! And how 'bout you fly over here and come to Olive Garden with me next weekend? ;)



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