
Friday, August 13, 2010

Lost in Thought

I'm hoping the picture of me above gives the impression of being lost in thought. Maybe it will also give the impression that I could use some extra thinkers today--because I need your help!

A recent poll showed that out of the 4 people who voted, 2 were "mostly" enjoying the new weekly schedule, and 2 were "very much" enjoying the new weekly schedule. What I would like to know is:
  • What parts of the new weekly schedule do you most like? (See sidebar for an overview of the schedule.)
  • What parts do you not like as much?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
The funny thing is, I get so caught up in putting things together and planning for the future that I forget that some of the best posts and ideas come spontaneously. Those serendipitous moments can be wonderful, and I want to be sure and leave room for those. In fact, I had a moment like that last night, and I would be delighted if you would take the time to read my last post, "Touched by an Epitaph."

But do you still like the idea of having some sort of schedule in between themed weeks? I would appreciate any and all feedback on my blog! Thank you for sticking by me!


  1. I do like the schedule, because it gives a little bit of structure and we know what to expect. However I find myself skipping the Military ones because reading anything military is hard for. I don't know if I just can't or subconsciencely choose not to, I just don't like reading stuff like that. I do like the other days though!

  2. Hey Amber! I must've missed that poll you did about who was enjoying the new weekly schedule, but I just wanted to let you know that I AM!! :-D I enjoy knowing that Tuesday's are the romantic posts, or Sunday's we get to hear your inspiriational thoughts! It's something to look forward to! Keep up the good work!! :-D

    Katie M

  3. Ariel,

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I'm sorry that the military posts are hard for you, and it's definitely your choice whether you read them or not. The purpose of having "Mondays for the Military" is to set aside time to honor the men and women who have made and are making sacrifices for our country. Especially after my time in Washington D.C., and knowing that I have family and friends who have been or are in the military, it was something I felt compelled to do.

    Thank you again for your feedback, and I'm glad to hear that you're liking the schedule for the most part! :)


  4. Katie,

    I didn't really advertise this poll as much... I kind of ended up sneaking it into the sidebar and waiting to see if anyone would vote on it. ;)

    Thank you so much for your encouragement, and I'm so glad you like the schedule! I really appreciate your feedback! :D


  5. Ariel,

    I want to apologize if I came off as defensive in my last comment to you. I just wanted to share some of my reasons for having "Mondays for the Military," especially because I've been so blessed by my encounters with the military recently.

    But I do want you to know that I value your opinion, and I'm still not exactly sure what exactly "Mondays for the Military" will include if I decide to continue doing them. I was hoping to get in touch with one of my friends who's in the military right now, but we'll see how that goes. :)

    Thank you again, and I hope I didn't offend you at all. You, along with all my readers/friends, are so important to me!


  6. Oh Amber, you silly girl. :) You didn't offend me at all! It is nice that you want to remember our military. :) You don't have anything to worry about!

  7. Ariel,

    Thank you! :) I was afraid that I had come off sounding too snobbish or defensive. You're so sweet! :D


  8. Amber,
    I like your schedule, but I'm the type of person who would be OK if you wanted to deviate from it, too. I'm organized with some things, but sometimes it seems like God has different ideas than what I planned to write about and when I sit down to write it ends up being a completely different topic. Other times I guess it could be my lack of structure.

    I do intend to start up Teach & Learn Tuesdays again as school starts up, though.

  9. Julia,

    Thank you for your comment! I know what you mean...even my post last night was sort of like that. There's no way that I could have really planned that, and yet I think it was one of the most meaningful posts (at least for me) that I've written in a while. :)

    I'm curious to read more about Teach & Learn Tuesdays on your blog, too!

    I'm not sure if I should keep a schedule then or not, but at least with this one it does leave days open for the unexpected! ;) And the next two weeks are themed weeks, and then I go back to school, so we'll see how it goes.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  10. Hi Amber! I have read all of your fabulous posts this week, but just never got a chance to comment on them :( But they have all blessed me so very much, especially Thursday's post. I can't thank you enough for this post, my friend. It was a beautiful conviction for me wrapped up in powerful truths that God knew I needed to hear. The Lord has blessed me so much through your blog and through your friendship :) Thank you for the inspiring words you write and the smiles you give (gotta love that Pooh Bear!), they always come just when I need them :)

    And sadly, I have never read any Love Finds You books :( But I hope to remedy that soon ;) Do they have a Rhode Island one? Probably not, we are quite small, LOL! Although, I think the Romancing America series just came out with one for the Ocean State :D Anyway, thanks for the recommendation!

    And I think your current schedule is wonderful, but I'm open to any changes you'd like to make. Like I said, I love reading anything your write and I know the Lord's hand is guiding yours when you do, so I'm sure whatever you do will bless us all!!

    Praying the rest of your weekend is beautiful and that the Lord will guide and inspire you always :)

    Amanda Stanley

    PS- I LOVE Guy Fieri!! And his wife is from RI ;)

  11. Amber,

    If you have some older relatives who have been in the military or even could talk about life during war times that could be fascinating. Just my idea.

    There are so many neat military-themed books that you could spotlight, too such as Sarah Sundin's and Ronie Kendig (haven't read hers yet, but have it on hand and want to). I'm excited about Sarah Sundin's tour.

    Sarah does "today in WWII history" which is fascinating, so maybe you could focus on some events since I know you like history.

    Anyway, these are just the random things that popped into my head...don't feel any obligation towards using them :). But I think its a great way to honor current military, past military, and celebrate our heritage as well.

  12. Amanda,

    Thank you so much for your kind words! :D I'm so glad you've enjoyed the posts this week, and I confess that Thursday's post was a surprise--but also a blessing for me, as well. Thank you for being such a supportive friend! I always enjoy "talking" to you!

    Ah, yet another person who has not read a "Love Finds You" book... ;) They're so good, so I hope you get a chance to read some of them. I have not actually seen any for Rhode Island yet, but maybe soon! They keep coming out with new ones rather frequently. :)

    Thank you again for the encouragement; it means so much to me! I hope God might truly use me for His glory. :)

    Hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful, too!


    P.S. That's so neat about Guy's wife! I wonder how they met... Potential "Love Finds You" material, possibly? ;)

  13. Julia,

    Those are some great ideas! I confess that I had been hoping to get in touch with my friend who is close to my age who's in the Marines, but it might be neat to spotlight a veteran or at least share some stories or something. :)

    I like the idea about the books, too! I'm currently reading Love Finds You in Victory Heights, Washington--which is a WWII book--and sometime in September I'm supposed to review Sundin's A Memory Between Us. Lots of potential there! ;)

    Thank you so much for the suggestions and the encouragement!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!