
Thursday, August 26, 2010

End of Summer Bash with MaryLu Tyndall!

I am so excited to host MaryLu here for our "End of Summer Bash!" I have been completely captivated by all of MaryLu's books that I've read, and if my copy of Surrender the Heart doesn't get here soon, I might just go crazy! ;)

As I'm compiling this post, I'm listening to the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack, which has definitely put me in the mood to talk about MaryLu's books. So now it is my great pleasure to welcome author MaryLu Tyndall!

Amber: What is your favorite part about late summer?

MaryLu: Long, lazy, warm days, hikes on the hills behind my house, and BBQ’s with my family and friends.

Amber: If you were planning an “End of Summer” party for your family and friends, how would you envision it? Would you want a beach party, a picnic in the park, a neighborhood barbecue, or something else entirely?

MaryLu: Normally, I’d say a beach party!! But here in Northern California, it would be too cold. Burr. So we usually end up at a park nearby that has a beautiful lake. Everyone brings something to share and while the adults chat and eat, the kids run around, splashing in the waves and being chased by the indigenous geese!

Amber: I know just what you mean about the beaches of Northern California! ;) As autumn appears on the horizon, what do you anticipate about this next season the most? Do you have any fall traditions or memories you would like to share?

MaryLu: We don’t have any particular traditions, but my favorite thing to do when the weather begins to cool is sit by the fire with a mug of hot cocoa and a good book. I love when the air becomes crisp and the leaves start to fall. To me, it’s the coziest time of year, a time for family and good comfort food.

Amber: Sounds good to me! Of the books you have written, do you have a favorite? If so, which one is it and why is it your favorite?

MaryLu: It’s so hard to choose a favorite because with each story, I became so engrossed in the characters, I felt like they were my best friends. If I had to choose one, I’d say my very first novel, The Redemption, because it was the story of my heart. Though it is a story of pirates and adventure and romance, it is also a story about a young lady who is seeking her long lost father—desperate to be loved. Her story mimics my own search for a father’s love, so I know I’ll always feel an odd connection to Charlisse, the heroine. Ultimately, as I did, she found a father’s love in the arms of Christ.

Amber: What’s next in your writing career? We would love to hear about any upcoming releases!

MaryLu: I have a book just released this month called Surrender the Heart. It is the first in a trilogy set in Baltimore during the War of 1812. Each book follows the story of a young lady from Baltimore who somehow, against her will, gets caught up in the war and by divine providence, ends up doing something that changes the course of history. Here’s a blurb on the first book:

On the brink of the War of 1812, Marianne Denton must marry to unlock her inheritance. Without the money, her mother can’t receive medical care and her sister will be destitute. But Noah Brenin needs to sail his cargo to England before the war commences in order to prove his worth to his father and make enough money so he won’t have to marry at all.

But when Noah walks out on their engagement party, Marianne chases him down and ends up on his merchantman out at sea. The situation worsens when Noah’s ship encounters a British man-of-war and the couple are impressed into the British navy.

While a young lad’s prophecy of destiny looms over them both, Marianne and Noah are forced to face their darkest fears as they desperately try to find a way to escape and fulfill their destinies—destinies that could change the course of the war and history forever.

Amber: Oh, I'm just so excited to read this! Sounds thrilling! Thank you so much for joining us today, MaryLu!

MaryLu has a poll being conducted in the sidebar of her blog to find out which of her books are the readers' favorites. So I'm curious to find out from ya'll . . . for those of you who have read MaryLu's books, which one is your favorite? (That is, if you can pick just one!)

I think I might have to go with The Redemption, because it's the first one that I read by MaryLu and I remember the excitement and adventure that drew me in to the wonderful story! And not only that, but MaryLu offered encouragement for my faith in Christ within the pages, and I've loved that about all of her books. Her stories satisfy on so many levels! I can see why this first one, though, in particular, would be (as MaryLu put it) "the story of [her] heart."


  1. Thank you so much, Amber, for having me on your blog! I'm honored. It's been a pleasure being cyber-friends with you!

  2. MaryLu,

    You're more than welcome! :) Thank you for letting me interview you!

    I'm so happy that we can be cyber-friends, too!


  3. One of my favorite authors if here!!!! I love MaryLu's work and picking a favorite of hers is like picking a favorite child, impossible! But if I had to come right down and say my favorite, favorite book is The Reliance. I love that continuing story of Charlisse and Merrick. But The Red Siren is a very close second. And then The Restitution was awesome too. Argh, don't ask such hard questions!! :)

    Great to see you here MaryLu!

  4. Casey,

    Now you're beginning to sound like the other authors who came here this week! ;) And didn't I already say I should stop asking "favorites" questions? Oh, well, I was just curious... ;)

    I loved The Reliance, too! So enthralling!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  5. I KNOW! I was thinking the exact same thing when I wrote my comment. But that is what happens when you put MaryLu's books in front of me. :)

  6. Casey,

    Don't worry, I know what you mean! ;) MaryLu's books are all so, so good!!!


  7. It is SO wonderful to see MaryLu here!!! I tried to comment earlier but my computer was apparently in the throes of a virus at the time and destroyed my comment :( But, praise the Lord, my brother's friend fixed it by wiping it clean and now it's like new- literally, LOL! So, I'll be spending most of my day tomorrow re-downloading a bunch of programs. I'm just thankful it's working again :)

    Anyway, this interview was wonderful, my friend! I even cried when I read MaryLu's answer to your question about her favorite book. I know I've said this many times, but I really do need to get my hands on her Legacy of the King's Pirates series! I want to experience what has blessed so many :)

    Now, my favorite MaryLu book? I have fallen in love with every book I have read of hers, so to try and pick a favorite is crazy difficult... BUT, if I had to pick just one, it would definitely be The Raven Saint!! From cover to cover this book was AMAZING! And it had the best dedication I've ever seen: "To the bit of Pharisee in all of us." WOW! I knew I was in for a ride after that mouthful of a sentence ;)

    Thanks again, Amber, for all these great author interviews!!

    Amanda Stanley

  8. Amanda,

    I'm sorry your computer was being problematic. :( I hope everything goes well in getting it up and running again!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview, and MaryLu's answers were wonderful, weren't they? :) I really hope you get to read her Legacy of the King's Pirates series soon!

    The Raven Saint was definitely my favorite of the Charles Towne Belles series, and I love that dedication, too. So powerful!

    Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!