
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Warning: Flood of Information Coming

Dear Readers,

This is just a friendly warning that you are about to be inundated with book reviews and vacation information. Do not panic! As long as you sit back and relax, everything should be fine. A little bit of your time is required if you choose to read all of the coming posts, but feel free to take it slow. The writer simply decided she was too excited to wait, and she was uncertain as to when would be a better time than now to post this information.

Thank you for your time.


The Blog Author


  1. LOL! I loved the warning idea. :) What's better than books and trips? Sounds like a good time all around to me!!


  2. Cerella,

    I thought it was only fair to let ya'll know that I was going to be bombarding you with posts! ;)

    And I agree--books and trips sounds like a winning combination to me!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!