
Thursday, July 15, 2010


I have no words to tell you what the service at Arlington National Cemetery was like. Even now as I write this, tears are coming to my eyes. I put together another video to try and capture some of the experience, which I hope will convey even just a little of the emotion of this morning. The love, the service, and the honor shown this day will never be forgotten.


  1. Oh Amber, you bring your Mama to tears. You have recorded every step with incredible pictures and words. The videos are so moving, I've watched them over and over again. Even though we all couldn't go and I had to chose, I knew you were the one that would be able to express all that happened best. You're an amazing daughter and I love you with all my heart!
    Love, Mom XOXOXO

  2. Oh, Mom! You bring ME to tears with your sweet words! I can't even come close to describing what this trip has been like, and I'm so sorry that we weren't all able to go. I know Aunt Donna, Aunt Timmy, and all of the family would have loved to have you and Emily here.

    But I thank you so much for letting me go with Daddy! I hope I can share even a little of the wonder of this trip with you! I miss you, and we'll have so much to talk about when we get home. Thank you so much for everything--you have no idea what this experience has meant to me. I love you!

    Amber XOXOXO

  3. Oh Amber, once again the tears are falling, my friend. That video was INCREDIBLE! There is something so beautiful and almost heavenly, about the sound of bagpipes, especially when they're playing Amazing Grace- combine that with those angelic voices and those unforgettable pictures...WOW, simply breathtaking. Those pictures are not just seen with the eye but with the heart, capturing the enormity of the price paid for our freedom, and inspiring a profound and eternal thankfulness that echoes through the depths of the soul. Especially loved the last one of you looking out the window- definitely an amazing and inspiring shot.

    Gosh, I can't even imagine what it was like to not only see firsthand, but to walk the very ground where the lives of the brave and selfless are honored. Thank you so much for sharing these incredible experiences with us. I feel like I'm right there with you, and its truly a privilege :)

    And, can I just say, your Mom is SO cute!! You have a really wonderful family and it's a blessing to see how close you all are :)

    Praying for you!!

    Amanda Stanley

  4. Amber,

    You brought tears to my eyes, too. What a special memory for the rest of your life. And what a special tribute to these men these men that have given their lives for our freedom. Thank you so much for sharing your memories and touching all of our lives.

    Bless you and your wonderful family, Amber!

  5. Amanda,

    Thank you so much! I cannot even begin to describe what actually being there was like, but I'm so grateful that this video might be used to touch others' lives. God has truly blessed me through this experience, and I agree with the way you put it: "Those pictures are not just seen with the eye but with the heart, capturing the enormity of the price paid for our freedom, and inspiring a profound and eternal thankfulness that echoes through the depths of the soul." Oh, may it be so!

    It was beyond moving to see gravestones filling the fields and hills, seemingly endless. It elicited a combination of profound gratitude and aching sorrow. I have been deeply inspired by the example of our military men and women, and their sacrifices are above comprehension.

    Thank you again, Amanda, for your wonderfully worded and truly thoughtful comment. And yes, my mom is the best! So, so sweet, and sometimes almost more like a sister than a mom because of how close we are. :)

    God bless, and thank you so much for your prayers, as well! They mean so much to me!


  6. Julia,

    Thank you, as well, for sharing these memories with me! It was indeed a special tribute, and I don't think I could ever forget this experience.

    May the Lord use me to somehow pass on this experience and its significance to others, and may He bless you, too! Thank you for your kind words! :)


  7. There's just something about Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes that stirs the soul. Your video was so wonderful and touching, Amber. I cried while watching it last night.

  8. Michelle,

    Oh, I couldn't agree more! There is something beautiful and ageless about bagpipes, and "Amazing Grace" was just the song for these pictures.

    Thank you for taking the time to watch this, and I really appreciate your comment. God bless!


  9. I fell behind in blog reading and am endeavouring to catch up. I had read this blog shortly after you posted it but was so moved I just couldn't compose any thoughts. Today I am still grappling with words so I guess I'll just say what a blessing that experience was for you to have -- and for everyone you shared it with. I don't think any of us will look at Remembrance Day celebrations the same after this. (do you call it Remembrance Day or Memorial Day?)

  10. Kav,

    I know just what you mean, which is why there wasn't a very long introduction to this video. It's practically impossible to put into words what it was like being at Arlington National Cemetery and seeing the service. But I can honestly say that I've never seen anything quite like it before. The honor and love shown by the members of the military and the families of those who had died were moving beyond mere words.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to watch the video and leave a comment! I'm really grateful for readers like you who take time out of all the busyness of life to actually read my blog. Thank you!


    P.S. At the end of May we have Memorial Day, and in November we also have Veterans Day.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!