
Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Review of A Proper Pursuit

Here's a description of the book from Bethany House Publishers:

"It seems a perfect backdrop for what Violet Hayes longs to experience: a little mystery, a little romance.

To be honest, it is more than a little mystery. She schemed her way to Chicago to discover the mother she barely remembered. As for romance--well, with the help of her grandmother and three great aunts, that is coming along nicely as well--perhaps too well. Each of her relatives--including her saintly grandmother--seems to have a separate agenda for her.

In the course of a summer, Violet's world will open wide before her eyes. But in the wake of discovery, she must find a way to determine which path--and which man--will ultimately be the right lifetime choice for her."

My Rating: Spring/Summer

My Review:

This book surprised me--in a good way! When I first started the book, I confess that I thought it wouldn't be very deep, and it took me a while to really get into it. But about a quarter of the way through, my thoughts really changed.

Violet Hayes, the main character, annoyed me at the beginning, and I felt that the other characters were interesting, but maybe a bit too quirky. However, Violet really grows during her trip to Chicago, and I began to feel closer to her, as well as the other characters. I also became more and more intrigued by the romance, which picks up with greater speed as the book progresses.

The points made in this book are great ones, such as marrying for love and not being too quick to judge. (Perhaps I should learn that lesson for the next time I pick up a book!) I loved the history in the book, especially the descriptions of the The World's Fair.

If you're like me, it might take a little while to really get into the story, but don't give up! This is a sweet book that encourages the reader to be who God wants them to be, and to not give up on love. This is a fun story that made me laugh out loud, but it is also a touching story that is very enjoyable!

*With thanks to my dear college friend, Hannah Dawley, for letting me borrow the book for the summer!*


  1. This was a good book but I think her Refiner's Fire series is still my fave! Thank you so much for posting terrific reviews!

    Also thanks for posting about my giveaway :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Renee,

    I'll have to keep that in mind--this is the first book I've read all the way through by Lynn Austin (at least that I recall).

    Thank you for the compliment! :) I'm glad you like my reviews!

    And no problem, as always! I'll have a giveaway starting on Friday, so I wouldn't mind if you wanted to post about mine, too. ;) Thanks for always supporting me, Renee!


  3. I'm so far behind in my reading!!!! Just when I think I'm making a dent in inspirational fiction I discover a new author I haven't read yet. I just checked my library and while it doesn't have 'A Proper Pursuit' it does have a number of other Lynn Austin books. I've put a hold on the first of the Refiner's Fire series that Renee mentioned. Thanks you guys!

  4. Kav,

    No worries! Like I told Renee, I think this is the first book I've read all the way through by this author. My friend really loves Austin's work, and after reading this book I can see why! ;)

    Hope you enjoy what you read by this author! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!