
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Grandpa's Bench

In June the Humboldt Area Foundation dedicated a bench to my grandpa for all of his work on the nature trail not far from his home in Eureka, California. The plaque says, "In honor of William 'Bill' Odonnell: A great friend to the community and the Humboldt Area Foundation." The bench is beautiful--made of redwood and located in a lovely meadow.

I have been so blessed to live close to my grandparents for practically my whole life, and my grandpa is not only sweet and funny, but he is a wonderful example of a dedicated, hard-working, and godly man. It was an honor for me to give a short speech at the dedication of the bench, and how fun to see how surprised my grandpa was!

Anyway, I'm sharing this with you now because my grandpa was featured in an article in our local newspaper (Times-Standard) recently, and some of my quotes are in the article, as well. If you would like to read the article, click HERE. It's called "A bench for Bill." I'm so glad the Humboldt Area Foundation did this for my grandpa--he's done so much for the community, and I'm so proud of him! Thank you to my grandpa, all those who have helped work on the nature trail, and the Humboldt Area Foundation! That nature trail holds a lot of wonderful memories for me.

(The first picture is of a group of us hiding the bench from my grandpa's view until he got close enough to really see it and be surprised! The second picture is of my family all sitting on or gathered around the bench with my grandpa.)


  1. Wow, Amber, how wonderful. You are so blessed to have such a godly legacy!!

  2. Julia,

    Thank you! I truly am blessed--not only to have a great, godly family, but to have wonderful friends, as well! Julia, I so appreciate your comment on Casey's blog; you have no idea how much you've inspired me! Thank you for your friendship, for leaving such kind comments, and for sticking with me even when I'm just putting up random posts. :) God bless!


  3. Amber,

    Thank you as well. Glad to count you as a friend as well. Glad that we can encourage each other on the journey. Can't wait to see your poem, my friend!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!