
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Home of the Great Bonanza

Hello from Virginia City, Nevada! I'm on another family vacation in one of my favorite places to visit. We're staying at a Bed & Breakfast, and I have a lovely view of the town and the surrounding hillsides. I love the atmosphere here, the people, the sights to see . . . everything! It's so good to be here again!

You may recognize the name of this place from the TV show Bonanza (or you might also recognize the name if you love the history of the Old West like me!). This ghost town and tourist trap is chock full of history, and I'm more than happy to immerse myself in it once again!

I'm not exactly sure what this week's posts will consist of, since I don't technically have a theme for this week and I don't want to kick-off the new weekly-themed posts just yet, but if all goes according to my plan (and hopes) then here's some of what will be coming your way soon:
  • Post with my entry for the WOW! Women on Writing Flash Fiction contest (The winners were supposed to be contacted the second or third week of July, and since I haven't been contacted I don't think I made it. But I still would like to share my entry with you!)
  • Surprise Interview (I can't say much more than that or else it wouldn't be a surprise. But it will be fun--trust me!)
  • Updates on the goings-on here in Nevada (We're also planning on seeing a show in Reno, so I'll have to let you know about that, too!)

After this week, we should be able to get back into a groove once again. We don't want to be like on The Emperor's New Groove:

--"You threw off my groove!"
--"I'm sorry, but you've thrown off the Emperor's groove."
--"Sssoooorrrryy!" (The one who threw off the groove shouts as he is thrown out the window.)

Yes, we do not want anyone being thrown out the window. So we'll have to find that groove! To help us with that, I've made my decision on which weekly-themed posts to implement. I probably could wait a little longer, but think of the groove that must be restored! ;) Just kidding! It's probably more due to the fact that I'm over-eager and a tad impatient. So, here is the schedule for those weeks that are not special-themed weeks:
  • Sundays by the Sea
  • Mondays for the Military
  • True Love Tuesdays
  • Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and/or Saturday: These days will be reserved for book and movie reviews, college news, etc.
This sort of schedule will be implemented more frequently during the school year, but don't worry! I'm still hoping to have plenty of special-themed weeks, too, particularly around various holidays. And there might also be some fun, random weeks that will surprise you, too! Grooves are good, but ruts are not.

If you would like to see a description of the three choices in bold above, click HERE or check out the sidebar. And if you would like to visit the Virginia City, Nevada website to find out more about this great place, click HERE. (The photo above can be found at this link. I should warn you, though, that old-timey piano music plays as soon as you go to the website!)


  1. Have a great time! I'm especially looking forward to hearing about your "flash fiction." :)

  2. I hope you have fun!!
    And Congratulations!!! I saw you won the Calico contest last week. :)

  3. JULIA: Thank you! And I hope ya'll enjoy the piece when I put it up. I really appreciate your enthusiasm! :D

    BLUEROSE: Thanks for both the kind wishes and the congrats! I must say that I was REALLY excited when I saw I one the gift basket! I can't wait to read the book! :)

    Thank you both for stopping by!



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