
Monday, July 19, 2010

Christmas in July: Day One

Merry Christmas . . . in July! Now my guess is that it won't be a white Christmas for most of us, since it is summer, but I hope that it will be a wonderful time for all of us anyway!

This week will be centered on various Christmas traditions. But before I tell you about the tradition we'll be discussing today, I want to let you know about the giveaways this week! The Christmas-themed giveaway will be going on all week. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post with your valid e-mail address.

For additional entries in the drawing, just leave a comment on any of the subsequent posts this week (between today and Saturday). Only one comment per post will count as an extra entry. Just for clarification, here are the rules in list form:
  • Leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address. This is a requirement in order to be entered into the drawing.
  • You must have a U.S. mailing address.
  • For extra entries, post a comment on any of the other Christmas-themed posts this week. (Only one extra entry per post for a possible total of 4 extra entries.)
  • Winners will be announced on Saturday, July 24.

Now, would you like to know what the giveaway is for? =) The Christmas-themed giveaway will include a set of Hallmark "Jingling Holiday Bells Salt & Pepper Shakers" (courtesy of my mom!) and a gently used hardcover copy of The Christmas Secret by Donna VanLiere. These can be set aside for a few months until Christmas, or you can have your own Christmas in July at home!

There will also be another book giveaway this week if I can get two more followers! I would love to have 50 followers by my 100th post (which is scheduled for Wednesday). So spread the word, and if I can reach 50 followers by then, I'll do another book giveaway!

And now let us begin our Christmas traditions discussion! Today's tradition is: movies! There are so many Christmas movies out there, and I'm curious to know which ones are on your "must see" list each year. Following are just some of my favorite Christmas movies, in no particular order:
  • Jingle All the Way
  • Christmas Vacation
  • The Polar Express
  • The Santa Clause and The Santa Clause 2
  • Christmas with the Kranks
  • The Christmas Shoes
  • A Charlie Brown Christmas
I'm sure there are many others that I haven't listed that are great Christmas movies, as well! There are so many funny movies, and there are some really touching ones (like The Christmas Shoes, which is a real tear-jerker!). And Jingle All the Way is especially neat for those of us who have Arnold Schwarzenegger for a "governator" (if only for a little longer!). Also, I simply adore The Polar Express, which is very well done, in my opinion!

I would love to hear about some of those Christmas movies you watch every year!


  1. I love Donna VanLiere's books, too. I love The Christmas Box, Its a Wonderful Life, Christmas in Connecticut and my very favorite is White Christmas. I love old musicals. Forgot about Charlie Brown, that's a favorite, too...also Rudolph and the Veggie Tales Christmas specials


  2. I love the old Christmas movies. Like Julia, White Christmas is my favorite! Miracle on 34th street, both versions, are also favorites. Holiday Inn, although it's not completely Christmas.

    I'm going to enter this one for my momma. She "collects" Christmas books, and has the other 4 in this series.

  3. Oh my goodness, I LOVE Christmas and have been know to listen to Christmas music in July! :) My must watch Christmas movies are: Christmas Vacation, The Muppet Christmas Carol, White Christmas and The Santa Claus. I also love the Polar Express...but I don't own it.


  4. ELF!!!!!!!!!!!

    For sure, Amber! That is a must, must, must movie for the Christmas season! LOL!

    I'll talk to you later, need to run and help mom....migraine....sickness....not fun...

  5. JULIA: I haven't read all of this series by Donna VanLiere, but I remember particularly enjoying The Christmas Blessing. :)

    Oh, and I LOVE those old Christmas cartoon movies! Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph, etc. And of course those Veggie Tales ones are great, too! Thank you for sharing your favorites, and thanks for entering the drawing!

    BLUEROSE: Thanks for sharing some of your favorite Christmas movies, and thank you for your entry! :) That's so sweet you're entering for your mom!

    SARA: I so agree--and I'm listening to Christmas music right now! ;) Gotta love Perry Como!

    I love your choices! Isn't Christmas Vacation too funny? ;) And I hope you can obtain a copy of The Polar Express sometime!

    Thanks for your entry!

    HANNAH: You know, I've heard good things about this movie, and I'm not sure if I've ever watched it all the way through. Either way, I think I need to see it! ;)

    Thanks for your entry! And I hope your mom feels better soon! :( I'm so sorry she's not feeling well!


  6. I love the Polar Express! It was my favorite book when I was younger, and the movie is just as good :) I also love the cartoon Christmas classics, like Rudolph, Santa Claus is Coming to Town (my favorite!), and Frosty the Snowman.


  7. ARIEL: Isn't the movie fantastic? :) I love it so much, and I'm a big fan of trains! And I totally agree about the Christmas cartoon fun!

    Thanks for your entry!


  8. I LOVE watching all those movies you picked but, the one movie, that my WHOLE family sits down and watches on every Christmas day, would have to be A Christmas Story. The whole movie centers on a little boy living in 60's, who wants a RedRider Rifle BB gun for Christmas. But, everyone from his mother to the mall Santa, tells him he can't have one cause, he'll shoot his eye out. It's such a funny movie and for me, always brings back memories of Christmases past.
    Love your idea for Christmas in July and can't wait for tomorrow, Amber!
    Love Ya,

  9. ASHLEY: That's a funny one, too! And what a memorable line: "You'll shoot your eye out!" That poor boy. ;)

    I'm so glad you like the theme, and since I have your e-mail (along with Bluerose's and Hannah's), I'll enter you in the drawing, as well! :) (If you don't want to be entered, just let me know!) Thanks for stopping by!


  10. Oh Amber, how I wish we had a little snow right about now!! Still hot & humid here on the East Coast :( Oh well, snow will be here soon enough :)

    Those are some great movies you listed! Ever since I was a kid I've always loved the claymation movies, with "The Year Without a Santa Claus" being my favorite!! I LOVE the heat miser and snow miser, and think their song would make a fabulous ring tone!! :D And I can't forget about "A Christmas Story"!! "Elf" is also one of my favorites, and I was so delighted when I realized Raplhie is actually one of the elf's in it! He must get quite the check every Christmas, LOL

    And CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming 100th post!!! That is AWESOME!! I just signed up to "officially" follow your blog, so I hope that helps you toward your 50 followers goal :) I tried to upload a photo but it said it was too big, so I'll have to be blank for now.

    Anyway, thanks for a little Christmas joy in the despairing heat of July! Praying you have a beautiful day!! :)

    Amanda Stanley

  11. AMANDA: I wish I could give you some snow, too, because after being there on the East Coast and experiencing the muggy weather, I know it would be a relief! ;) But you're right--time goes so quickly and the seasons will be changing before long!

    How funny that Ralphie was an elf in the movie "Elf"! Christmas must be full of memories for him. ;)

    And thank you so much!!! I really appreciate your enthusiasm. And thank you for becoming a follower, too! Some might consider me a bit "OCD," but it would be so cool to have 50 followers by my 100th post. :D

    Here's to a wonderful "Christmas in July" for all of us! :)


  12. LOL. Hey, we had hail, does that count as white stuff on the ground?

    One year a group of friends and I celebrated Christmas in July by getting ready for July. We baked cookies that would last in the freezer (well, they would have if some os us didn't nibble on them through out the autumn), we made our own Christmas cards, listened to Christmas music when we got together. Oh and hit garage sales and flea markets for Christmas gifts and made a few as well. It was lots of fun.

  13. KAV: Sure, that can count. ;) It's probably the closest most of us will come to snow!

    And what a cute story! That must have been so fun for you and your friends! Of course, I don't think the cookies would have lasted even through the end of summer if I was near them. ;) Thanks for sharing your "Christmas in July" experience! And I'll enter you in the drawing since I think I have your e-mail address. :) Let me know if you would rather not be entered!


  14. I really enjoy reading Christmas fiction books they make me feel good when I finish the book.
    I have a few of Donna VanLiere's books and really enjoy the characters and stories.
    Debbie Macomber's book Christmas Angels is one of my favorits.

  15. Hi Marilyn!

    Yes, Christmas fiction books can definitely warm the heart and are fun to read! :) The Christmas books I've read by Donna VanLiere have been good, and I'm glad to hear you enjoy them, too!

    Do you already have A Christmas Secret? Or would you like to be entered in the drawing? (Or you can even enter to win and then share it with someone else!) If so, you can just leave another comment with your e-mail address.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  16. First let me say I'm sorry I'm so late! I've been at my cousins since Sunday night so I haven't had much computer time but I'm back, for now.

    Second I LOVE your Christmas in July thing! Did you know that Cartoon Network is also having a Christmas in July? LOL.

    As for Christmas movies I love ABC family's 25 Days of Christmas and all the Lifetime Christmas movies! I'm a sucker for those cheesy holiday romances. :-P

    I hope you can get 1 more follower before midnight, I see you're at 49!

    XOXO~ Renee

  17. Renee,

    No worries--although it's great to have you back! :D

    I didn't know about Cartoon Network, but I'm sure there's a lot of fun Christmas in July stuff going on that I don't know about! ;) I'm glad you like the idea for here on my blog!

    And yes, gotta love those "cheesy holiday romances"! I think I need to watch more of those...

    Thanks for the support, and that would be really fun to get one more follower! There's still almost 4 hours left here on the West Coast. ;)


  18. Ok Renee, girl, 25 Days of Christmas and Lifetime's Xmas movies!!!!! WOOT! Way to go delivered where I didn't! *bad Hannah* I should've remembered that! We like countdown to it

    : D

    Oh, don't you love the countdown to the 25 Days of Xmas countdown that they do now?! LOL!

  19. Hannah,

    Good to see you here again! ;) How is your mom? Is she feeling better?

    Oh, and about counting down until Chrismtas--does anyone else have the calendars with the little chocolate pieces inside used to countdown the days until Christmas? LOVE those! :)


  20. Yes, I'm back for the day!'s my day off from work. I really should put up a post on MY blog *shakes head*

    My mom's doing better today, luckily. She's been having 2-3 migraines a week of recent. So, today she's going to the doctors (is there now). We'll see what he says...I'll let you know.

    YES!! We have an advent calendar...yum! We get candy and something that we have to do for each day (i.e. Call someone and wish them Merry Xmas! Or...Have hot chocolate and sugar cookies with Grandma!) It's really fun still *wink*

    Hoping to get a post up on my blog maybe *crossing fingers*

    By the way, has Ruthy answered you about her son yet!? That was such a random question, lol!

  21. Hannah,

    Well, it's fun that you can be here, and I hope you get a chance to post on your blog! :D

    I'm glad your mom is doing better, and I hope that her appointment with the doctor goes well!

    And yay for advent calendars! That's cool that you also have an activity you're supposed to do each day--sounds awesome! :)

    As far a Ruthy's question...yes, that was random!!! I still have not been informed how old he is...for all I know, he could be six years old! ;) I don't think she's ever going to tell me!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!