
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Beautiful Oregon

Looking back over the pictures my parents took during our vacation to Sunriver, Oregon, I feel immeasurably blessed. I would love to share some of these memories with you. May they remind you of the joys of family and the loveliness of God's creation!

This first picture is of the view from Cardinal Landing Bridge--a footbridge that sees traffic from pedestrians, bikes, and horses! Isn't the scenery gorgeous? I love the view from being on the bridge, but I also love the view of the bridge itself from a glider! The different views remind me of differing perspectives in life. God can see infinitely more than we can from where we are in one specific point in time and place--and He can see how this one point in our lives fits in with all of eternity. What a great comfort!

This next picture is from our glider ride. My dad and I went on a glider ride several years ago, and it was so much fun to go again! The people at Sunriver Soaring are so fun and sweet, and we had a blast! Although, I must warn you--this time I kind of wished I hadn't eaten breakfast right before I went. I held it together, but it was a close call for sure! However, overall it was thrilling, and I love the view of the mountains. (And you can see the reflection of our pilot in this picture!)

My mom and I had our own wonderful experience, canoeing on Sparks Lake, bordered by Mt. Bachelor, the South Sister, and Broken Top. We canoed with a great group at night, and when we stopped on the shore to enjoy a campfire and hot chocolate from a thermos, we were overjoyed to see the clouds start to move away, leaving us with a breathtaking view of the stars! It was a peaceful, majestic experience, and I love the name of the tour group: Wanderlust. I think the beauty of what God has made and the adventurous spirit He sets within us gives me a case of "wanderlust" sometimes, as well!

The next few pictures show some of the other fun things we did as a family: walking with my grandpa (and sitting with my dad and grandpa!), riding our bicycles, and eating at the Trout House for breakfast (yum, yum!).

And I simply have to include this video! We went to the High Desert Museum, and there were some people at the Settlers' Cabin that were dressed in period costume and talking about what life was like in the high desert back in 1880. Anyway, I got to learn how to play a game from back then, but I guess I got a bit carried away... Watch the following clip to see what I mean!

That poor young man. He was a good sport about it, though!

I could go on and on about the blessings God gave me through this trip! I hope that God might bless you through my memories, as well. Here's one last picture of us in the home we rented. What a wonderful vacation!

(Thank you to my parents for these pictures, this video, and for a grand vacation! I love you!)


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time. :) Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow, your pictures are great! Glad you had a lovely vacation! You sure had a lot of fun activities going on. :)
    I also love your new blog layout! It's really cute. :D
    Oh, and you looked beautiful in your pictures, just thought you would like to know that. <3
    Glad your summer is going well!!

    PS: I watched Toy Story 3 this weekend!!!! It was so good. :D

  3. Casey,

    Thank you--we really did! :) And you're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed the information!


  4. Lindsay!!!

    I miss you! You must be so excited about your upcoming missions trip! I hope all goes well for you and that the Lord uses you in a mighty way for His glory! :D

    Thank you so much for all of the compliments! The pictures are ones my parents took; I think they turned out great! (And there's plenty more, since we're talking about MY family here!) ;)

    I'm so glad you liked the new blog layout, and thank you again for your sweet words! And wasn't Toy Story 3 fantastic?! I'm happy you got to see it! We need to go see a movie together again this fall semester!

    My summer is going great, and I hope your summer is, as well! Love you!


  5. Great virtual vacation tour, Amber. :-)

  6. Kav,

    Thank you! It was fun giving you the tour. Maybe I'll end up being like the character from the Toy Story movies that Cerella wanted to be when I interviewed her: Tour Guide Barbie! Just kidding. ;)


  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering for a chance to win Laura's new book. Good luck!

    Your photos of Oregon are stunning. I love the sound of your night time canoe ride. How peaceful, to be out under the stars!

  8. I love the staircase in the home you rented, it's gorgeous! Also the pics are amazing especially the lake! It looks like it would be a great swimming hole LOL! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time.

    XOXO~ Renee

  9. Mary,

    You're welcome! Thank YOU for having such a wonderful giveaway! Here's hoping that I'll get to read Laura's book soon! ;)

    Thank you for your kind words about the pictures (my parents did a nice job, I think!), and yes, the canoe ride was wonderful. There's nothing quite like it, being out on a lake with a small group of people, God, and the pristine beauty of night.

    The frogs were quite fun to listen to, as well! Who knew that little tree frogs could make such a big noise? ;) But it's a peaceful noise, nonetheless.

    Thanks again for stopping by!


  10. Renee,

    Isn't that staircase gorgeous? :D My room was on the second floor, so I got to constantly go up and down that grand staircase. I think one of my family members heard it was from Louisiana...which is interesting!

    Oh, and the top picture is actually of the Deschutes River--but it's one big river! ;) And funny thing about swimming in it...a few years ago my dad and I went canoeing on it, and a motorboat came by going quite fast. Needless to say, it left a big wake, and while it was fun to ride the waves for a few moments, we soon tipped right over!

    So there we were, in the middle of the river, with me close to panic. My dad and I had to drag the canoe to shore, and then we had to drag it along the shore for a while until we found a place where we could get in again. Not the most fun experience ever, let me assure you! ;) If I ever go "swimming" in that river again, I hope it's because I actually want to!

    Anyway, thanks for stopping by, Renee! :)



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