
Saturday, June 12, 2010

"Sharing a Smile" Saturday 6

Happy Saturday!

I hope this has been as fun a week for you as it has been for me! =) I have a lot to share with you, and hopefully it will all put a smile on your face. It's been a while since we've had a "Sharing a Smile" Saturday, so it's about time, I say!
  • Book Discussions: I think our discussion of A Passion Most Pure turned out really well! Thank you to all of you who shared your thoughts! And thank you, Julie, for joining in on the discussion of your book! With such a positive response, I was thinking of doing one more book discussion this next week, before things get a little hectic on this blog. So if you don't mind voting one more time on the book you would like to discuss, the poll is in the sidebar waiting for you. =) Thanks!

  • Upcoming events: Are you curious now that I mentioned the future craziness on this blog? I hope so! Here is some of what you can look forward to in the coming weeks:

June 20-24: Vacation Week--Travel with me to some exotic and relaxing locations! Special features of this week include author interview(s) (number of interviews pending).

July 9: "Hot Summer Day" with Julie Lessman--Stop by to enjoy a summer-themed interview with author Julie Lessman! This will be your chance to win a copy of one of Julie Lessman's books, including her upcoming release A Hope Undaunted!

July 12-17: A Week in Washington D.C.--Depending on available time/Internet access, I will attempt to share some of the excitement of my family's trip to Washington D.C. More information will be shared soon! *Tentative*

July 19-24: Christmas in July!--Break out the mittens and scarves, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and join me for a week of winter fun in the middle of summer!

And there should hopefully be even more summer fun after all this! These events might whet your appetite for more. =) However, I also have a couple of other vacations planned this summer that might take me away from the Internet. Just a heads up!

  • Blogging Buddies: I just have to tell you that I've realized recently how much I talk about blogging to my family and friends. I'm loving having a blog and reading others' blogs! =) And it's your friendship, your kindness and encouragment, dear readers, that really makes blogging so wonderful! You're very real friends to me, and I'm so very thankful for all of you!
Have a lovely weekend!

P.S. Isn't it funny that if you post at anytime before midnight on Saturday, the post will still be labeled "Friday"? It looks kind of interesting to have the heading be "Friday, June 11," while I say "Happy Saturday!" ;) But it is indeed Saturday as I write this now!


  1. I talk about blogging a lot, too, Amber. And I agree that the people who read and the people whose blogs we read (like yours here) definitely become blogging buddies. For instance, it is so neat reading Cathy Bryant's book as I've been following her blog for a while...and I just can't wait for Laura Frantz's book to come in the mail! So neat how real connections are formed between fellow bloggers.

    I wanted to discuss Julie's book, but I haven't finished it yet :) I'm glad I found your blog.

  2. There is always something to look forward to on your blog. I can't wait! :)

  3. Sounds like you're going to have an exciting summer -- thanks for taking us along in your suitcase! :-)

    Voting for a book this time round was difficult. LOVED Frontiersman's Daughter and Wildflower Bride. I haven't read the other two. And Laura's new book, Courting Morrow Little is OUT!!!!!! I'm heading for the bookstore right now!!!!

  4. Happy Saturday to everyone! :)

    Before I go on, I have to say that I found out our Washington D.C. trip is tentative, so it's not for sure we'll be able to go. But if we don't, I'll try my best to have something just as fun for all of you--and for me! ;)

    Julia: I'm glad I'm not the only one! :D I sometimes wonder if my family and friends get a little tired of hearing the word "blog." But it is so true that the connections we make through blogging are real! You all are such great friends! And thank you for your kind words! I'm so glad you found my blog, too! :) (And hopefully the next book we discuss will be one you've read so you can join in!)

    Bluerose: Thanks, Bluerose! It makes me happy to know that all of this stuff that is so much fun for me just might be fun for you, too! ;)

    Kav: I think the summer will be exciting, too! :) If it doesn't work out that I can take you along in my suitcase to D.C., maybe I can take you along in my suitcase on another trip... Guess we'll just have to wait and see! And that's so great that there's more than one book you would like to discuss! I confess that three of them are ones I'm reading or planning on reading soon, and the other is one that I really enjoyed, so that discussing would be kind of easy for me. ;) Hope you enjoy it this time around, too!

    And I can't wait to read Courting Morrow Little, as well! I've been getting so many new books (you have no idea!), that I'm going to see if I can win this one on her blog before I consider going out to buy it. ;) I think my mom wants me to curb my spending a bit...which means I should probably stop going to Borders, because I just can't help myself! Anyway, hope you enjoy the book (which I'm sure you will!)!


  5. I am SO SO SO excited for your interview with Julie! Love her books and I'm super excited for her upcoming release!

    I hope you have a nice trip to Washington DC if you guys get to go! I've NEVER been there and it's only 3.5 hours from my house. I will be jealous of you...just kidding.

    As far as blogging goes nobody in my family is interested in my blog, they don't read so I don't talk about it much. They can't believe the number of books I've received through blogging though and are always amazed that I get "presents" in the mail nearly everyday.

    I'm so glad to be of help to newcomers though so blogging is fun for me in that aspect plus I'm writing about the things I love!

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Renee,

    I'm really excited for my interview with Julie, too! :D That's so fun that you're looking forward to it!

    I'm sure at least two of us in my family will go to D.C.--it's just a matter of the cost of all four of us going. I'll probably explain more later. Thanks for your well-wishes (even if you're a tad bit jealous)! ;)

    I don't know if my family really reads my blog too much, and while a couple of my friends are followers, there are a lot that probably just aren't that into blogging. ;) I guess that's why I fear they might get a bit...annoyed, hear about blogging so much! But I have great family and friends, so they're rather patient with me. :)

    I love reading your blog, and I'm so glad I'm one of those newcomers you helped! :D



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!