
Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Sharing a Smile" Saturday 5

Happy Saturday to ya'll!

First, I want to thank my readers for making "A Week at the Movies" so fun! I loved all of the comments--it was great to hear your thoughts! Next week's theme is "Let's Go Camping!" Of course we'll have to start getting things set up on Monday, like pitching tents and building the campfire. But then get ready for some great fun in the great outdoors! Hope to see you there!

To share my excitement about Camping Week, here's a video I found on YouTube of one of the cutest commercials ever (with a camping theme!):

Bonus Review of A Vote of Confidence by Robin Lee Hatcher:

From the Zondervan website: "Beautiful and single, Guinevere Arlington knows her 'place' in the early twentieth century. She just refuses to stay there. Gwen loves her life in Idaho—the mountains, the town, her independence. But when she runs for mayor—and falls in love with her opponent—Gwen realizes winning may come at too high a price."

My Rating: Spring

My Review:
First, I must make a confession: I read the second book in this series (Fit to Be Tied) before I read this one (which is the first book in the Sisters of Bethlehem Springs series). Happily, though, I still really enjoyed A Vote of Confidence, even though I knew some parts about the story before reading it.

This book was a fun read! It was a sweet romance story that could be considered to be a bit slow-paced. However, it was great getting to know Gwen and learning with her the need for trusting God and His will, as well as the importance of relying on others. I admired Gwen's independent spirit, but I also appreciated her lesson in humility. And the romance in this story is so gentle and beautiful. Morgan (the hero) is a man one can respect and rely on, and it was great watching him fall in love. And I'll say it again--even after knowing the end result of this story, it still was a pleasure to read it!

I also highly recommend Fit to Be Tied, the second book in the series. I think I might like it better than the first (I just love Cleo's character and the unlikely romance in this story!). I hope I get a chance to read the third book coming out soon: A Matter of Character.


  1. Amber, I happened upon your review of A Vote of Confidence, and just had to leave a note. I'm so delighted you enjoyed the first two books in the series. BTW, Cleo and Woody are among my favorite characters, so I'm always happy to see readers love them, too.

    I'm hosting a Facebook launch party on Friday May 21 from 6 to 8 pm MDT where I'll be giving away copies of my new book. I'll also be announcing a fabulous contest with a grand prize to die for. You'll find the contest info on my web site on May 24 ( You can find the Facebook party by searching for Robin Lee Hatcher, Novelist.

    Again, so glad you enjoyed the books.


  2. Robin,

    How fun to have you visit! :D I really enjoyed these books, and I hope I can read the third book sometime soon!

    Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for letting us know about some great contests coming up. I appreciate it!


  3. Hey Amber!
    Sorry I haven't been around more this week! The secret's now out and I'm allowed to talk about sister and I threw a surprise b-day party for our mom today. She turned 50! Sooooooo, this week's been CRAZY with last minute preparation. Keep an eye on my blog for a new post coming out about it real soon!

    I've read all your posts this week, just been bad about commenting. So, yes, it definitely HAS been a fun week at the movies

    : D'll see how that goes *wink*

    Nice review, I haven't read these but they sound good. How fun to have you visit today, Robin Lee!!

    Okay, I'll talk to you later, girl, I have to g owork on a research paper some more

    : /


  4. Hannah,

    How fun! I'm sure your mother loved the surprise party! I can't wait to hear more about it. ;)

    And again, no problem. I appreciate any time you take to visit my blog, but don't worry if you can't leave comments all the time (or visit every day!). I would do well to not spend so much time on the computer, either! :)

    Good luck with your research paper! And just think--only about a month until graduation! You can make it! :D


  5. I have this one on my TBR pile and will definitely be moving it up thanks to your review! I always enjoy her books though so getting through this won't be a problem LOL!
    Thank you for sharing your review! :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Renee,

    I'm glad you liked the review! :) I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. ;) So far, the first two in the series are great!


  7. Robin's books are great! I have the first 2 books on my TBR mountain, and am hoping to get a copy of the 3rd one, too. :)

    I'm even more excited to read them after reading your wonderful review. Thanks for sharing!


    PS (to Hannah) ~ We had a surprise party for my Mom when she turned 50, too -- it was a huge success! Happy belated B-day to your Mom!

  8. Lori,

    Thanks for your sweet comment! I hope you enjoy reading the first two books when you get to them--and I hope you can read the third one, too! As it is almost my birthday, I'm thinking the third book might be on my wish list. ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!