
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mail Call!

Hello my fellow campers! Let's all gather in the mess hall so I can pass out the mail!

Now, let's see . . . I have some messages for all of my campers who registered! (I know it would be so much more fun to get these through snail mail, but I wanted to express my appreciation all the same.)

Renee: Thanks so much for telling your readers about camp this week! It has been so much fun to have you here! I'm sorry the rafting might have been a tad scary for you, but it was great to hang out by the campfire together! ;) You are such a great friend!

Ariel: It was great to go hiking and rafting with you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the view on our hike, and I hope your rafting experience this time was a little more fun for you. :) I had a great time talking by the campfire with you!

Bluerose: It was so fun having you join us this week! (Congratulations on your new blog, by the way! If the rest of you didn't know, Bluerose is doing a great giveaway on her blog--you can find the link in my sidebar.) I'm sorry you didn't get to do the trust game with us while we were rafting. ;) However, the hike was great and I really appreciate you starting out our game for us last night!

Angie: I'm so glad you got to see the mountains and enjoy the woods this week with us! Next time you come, we'll have to go canoeing instead of rafting. ;) Thanks for playing the game with us, and thanks for taking the time to stop by so often!

Donna: So great to see you here this week! I hope the rafting was enjoyable for you, and if you ever choose to go again, I'm sure you'll be able to find a great guide who will make sure you'll be safe! ;) It was so fun to have you join us, and I hope to see you around again soon!

Hannah: What can I say? Your being here has been too much fun! :) I loved talking with you by the campfire, and I'm so glad you got to come here instead of going to boot camp. ;) Hope we can talk more during the rest of camp soon!

Casey: Thanks so much for visiting this week! :) I'm sorry to see you haven't pulled any pranks on anyone yet, but there's still time... ;) Just kidding! Anyway, so good to have you come to camp!

Ashley: I loved getting to hang out with you this week! Thanks for doing the trust game with me (although I'm not sure how much fun it was getting soaked...)! It made me happy to see you at the campfire, and it was interesting to hear about your tubing experiences! :)

Thank you all for coming this week! And there's still more fun planned, so don't leave yet!

To finish up our mail time, I thought we could send a postcard to our loved ones back at home. So here's the front of the postcard:

And here's what it will say on the back:

Dear *insert name(s) here*,

We've been keeping busy here at Camp Humility! We've gone rafting and hiking, played some games, and spent some time each evening talking around the campfire. I miss you and hope you are having as much fun as I am (although I'm not sure if that's possible)! See you soon!

One more item of business: Instead of posting the story here, I'm going to wait until tomorrow night (when I announce the winners at the campfire) to share the completed story (from last night's game). So there's still time if you would like to contribute!

See you at the campfire tonight!


  1. Awwww! I just wish that I haven't been spending so much alone time in the woods *wink* I should really be hanging out with the other campers!! LOL!

    Alas, tonight I stumbled upon some tennis courts on the other side of the woods! Who knew??! My sister was there and the rest of the team. Alicia and I won, then I jogged right on back *grin* Phew! You never even missed me I betcha!

    Headed over to the campfire now!

  2. :) Thank you for my mail! It's so exciting to get a note! You are so creative!

  3. Hannah,

    You think I didn't notice? How could I not miss seeing you at camp? But, if you had to go traipsing off into the woods and find a tennis court, I'm glad you at least won the game! ;) Congrats! :D

    Good to see you back here, and I'll come join you at the campfire soon!


  4. Donna,

    You're welcome! It's been so fun to have new visitors to my blog! :) I hope you've had a good time at camp!


  5. I've enjoyed my time at camp. :) Even enjoyed the hike even though I had to run to catch up with y'all. ;)

  6. Angie,

    I'm so glad! :) So fun to have you join the hike, as well! ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!