
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Let's Go Hiking!

Good morning, campers! Today we're off on a hike. I hope you all brought your hiking boots and maybe a coat--it can be rather chilly in the morning when you're out of doors!

To give you an idea of what we're seeing as we're walking along, I thought I would share some pictures I've taken. (These pictures are from Sunriver and close to Bend, Oregon.) Hope you enjoy the sights!

Don't you just love the big, blue sky? If you look closely, you might be able to see the moon!

Doesn't this spot look inviting? I love the birdhouse and birdfeeder--just the right touch for this scene. Maybe we'll see some birds soon!

Well, what do you know? Here are some birds! Aren't those ducklings adorable?

We've climbed upwards now. I love the view! Everything just fades into the horizon . . .

If you look through those trees over there--just stand right here where I am--you can see what I believe is Mt. Bachelor in the distance. God's creation is so beautiful, isn't it?

Well, I think that's about as far as I can go. I'm getting kind of winded, so I think I'll head back to camp. I hope I can see you all tonight for the night game! I'll try to get everything started by mid-afternoon or early evening (here on the West Coast), but feel free to stop in at anytime during the evening/night! Hope you enjoyed our hike!


  1. Beautiful pictures Amber :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ariel,

    Glad you could join me on the hike today! :) I'm glad you liked the pictures! Oregon is a beautiful state (as I'm sure you'll agree!).


  3. I loved the last picture! It kind of looks like the tree branches create a heart frame for the mountains. :)

  4. Bluerose,

    I love how that picture turned out, too! The tree branches make a natural frame. :)

    Thanks for joining us on the hike!


  5. Sorry I'm late. ;) This week has been crazy..jury duty and trying to catch up with all my paper work. Anyway I just wanted to tell you I love the favorite is the last one. Beautiful! I love the mountains. :)

  6. Angie,

    It's no problem! I'm sure once I start actually working, I won't be on here quite as frequently. ;) I totally understand!

    And I'm so glad you enjoyed the pictures! Sunriver and Bend are such lovely places! :)

    So glad you could hike with us for a while!



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