
Friday, May 28, 2010

Get Ready for a Birthday Bash to Remember!

All you Toy Story, Toy Story 2, and soon-to-be Toy Story 3 fans, here's a heads-up! Next week's theme on my blog is going to be Toy Story, and there's lots of fun in store! To get the ball rolling, I'll be posting a poll in the sidebar, and I would love for all of you to participate!

Here's some of what you can expect next week:
  • Book giveaways
  • Book, movie, and song-of-the-day selections
  • Guest interview(s)
  • And more!

Hope to see you all here!

Also, I'll try to keep on posting more book reviews for you. Within the next week or so, be looking for my reviews of:

  • She Walks in Beauty
  • Love is Monumental
  • Love on a Dime

Have a lovely weekend!

(Picture from the Pixar website.)


  1. Woohoo! I love Toy Story LOL! I remember watching the cartoon "Buzz Light Year of Star Command" with Buzz, XR and Mira...that was so cute and I admit to still having the Toy Story movies and the Buzz Lightyear on VHS :-P

    Can't wait for the fun next week!

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. I've liked Toy Story pretty well....not my favorite, but I don't not like it....LOL! So, this should be fun! I think that Toy Story 3 looks a lot more adult oriented, at least with some of the humor I've seen ; )

    I'll do the poll!

  3. I'm sooo excited, Amber!!
    I LOVED Toy Story I&II so, I know that I'm going to love TS III. In fact, my brother in-law is taking me (and a few others) on a "sister date" to go see. Can't wait to see the movie and your reviews. I'm so jealous you've gotten to read all those great books already. Very jealous indeed. ;D
    Love Ya anyways(LOL),

  4. Happy Friday, ya'll! :)

    Renee: I admit I haven't seen much of the Buzz Lightyear cartoon, but until very recently, we had Toy Story and Toy Story 2 on VHS, as well! ;) We've finally updated to DVD (and Blu-Ray, although we don't actually have a Blu-Ray player yet!) I'm excited for next week, too!!!

    Hannah: Thanks for doing the poll! And even if you're not the biggest Toy Story fan (for shame!), next week will hopefully still be fun for you! The book giveaways are Christian fiction, so maybe that will be an incentive for you! ;)

    Ashley: I'm so happy you can share the excitement with me!!! :D I'm very excited about seeing Toy Story 3, as well! (I'm sure I'll end up seeing it at least twice in theaters!) And actually, as far as the books go, I'm still waiting for Love on a Dime, and I haven't finished reading the other two, but I'll get there soon! I feel very fortunate to be able to read them now, too, and I hope you can read them soon! ;)


  5. Amber, This looks GREAT! What a fun, creative idea! Count me in:) Can't wait for the book reviews, too. Bless you today!

  6. Laura,

    Thanks so much for stopping by! :D I would love to have you come hang out with us next week! Thank you so much for your encouragement. :)


  7. Hahaha Amber I just got a Blu-Ray player so I should prrrrobably update from VHS to BRD! :-P

    XOXO~ Renee


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