
Monday, May 3, 2010

For the Love of Others . . .

The results are in! The latest poll question was, "What is your favorite part about summer?" Of the four people who answered, here is the breakdown:
  • Family vacations--2
  • Relaxation--0
  • Hanging out with friends--2
  • Making extra money--0
  • Sleep!--0

Even though there were only four people who answered the question, I think it is safe to say that it is our time spent with each other that makes summer special for us--whether with family or with friends. I have been blessed with amazing parents, as well as other wonderful family members, and great friends (like my friend Elena pictured on the right)!

Summer affords many of us more time to spend with each other and sunnier days in which to do more together. And we ought to value every moment we have with each other, because the relationships God has given us are great gifts indeed.

But there is one more Friend who we ought to spend more time with this summer, and every day of every season: our Lord. Jesus said (as recorded in John 15:14-16), "You are My friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you slaves anymore, because a slave doesn't know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything I have heard from My Father. You did not choose Me, but I chose you" (HCSB).

Through God's grace, we who are His disciples (believers) are friends with Jesus! What a grand truth that is. If you are saved, you have a personal relationship with the Lord of all, and it is He who we should spend the most time with this summer.

May we (including myself!) remember to use our time wisely as spring begins to blossom into summer and bright days beckon us out-of-doors, into the beauty of God's creation.

I am going to have a different kind of poll this time, so if you wouldn't mind I'd really appreciate your input! The poll will be posted in the sidebar soon! Thanks to all of my readers--I appreciate your time and your kind comments.

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