
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Books: News Update

Happy Tuesday, everyone! I thought I would share with you some of the coming events on my blog. Right now I'm reading Love Finds You in Pendleton, Oregon, and I'll plan on reading Love is Monumental after that. (However, I'm still eagerly awaiting the arrival of She Walks in Beauty in my mailbox, as well as Love on a Dime, so I'll plan on reading them soon, too!) Anyway, reviews for these books should be posted soon!

And next week, get ready for my "Birthday Story Bash!" Some of you have already heard about this on Goodreads, but for those of you who haven't: to celebrate my birthday week, I'm having a Toy Story theme on my blog. And what would a party be without party favors? Due to some generous blogging friends of mine, there will be some great book giveaways next week! I hope to see you all here!

I'm sorry there haven't been more posts so far this week. I guess all those camp activities wore me out! (Just kidding!) But I hope to see you all here next week for the big bash on my blog!

I'll leave you today with these words from Psalm 19:14--
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer."


  1. Melody Carlson is one of my favorite authors so I'll be interested to see what you thought of LFY in Pendleton, OR. I haven't read it yet but it's on my wish list. ;)

  2. Angie,

    I enjoyed reading her other LFY book (Love Finds You in Sisters, Oregon), and this one is very interesting so far. It's an intriguing storyline with a unique setting! I'm sure I'll be posting my review soon! :)


  3. Your b-day is next week? How exciting! :)

  4. I can't wait for your Birthday Story Bash Week and your reviews! (Especially She Walks in Beauty, since I just read the first one-really looking forward to reading the second). I'm also eagerly awaiting a copy of Love on a Dime!

  5. Love Finds You books are always good I hope you enjoy it! I also REALLY hope you like Love is Monumental since I guess you bought it after readig my review right? Talk about pressure *whew*

    Can't wait for your b-day bash!

    XOXO~ Renee

  6. Hi everyone! :D

    Ariel: Yes, it's next Thursday! :) Thanks for sharing my excitement! Hope you can stop by my blog next week!

    Blurose: Thanks! :D I haven't read anything by Siri Mitchell before, but She Walks in Beauty looks great! And doesn't Love on a Dime look like a fun book, too?

    Renee: Thank you, and I am enjoying this LFY book. :) And no worries! I really liked your review of Love is Monumental (which helped encourage me to buy it), but I thought the description sounded good anyway. So if for some crazy reason I didn't like it, it would not be your fault! ;) And I can't wait for my Birthday Bash either!!!


  7. Dude, my aunt is from the Pendleton area! I should tell her about this book!

    Ooh, I'm looking forward to the giveaways. I'll be stopping in again! Happy early birthday! :)

  8. Lindsay,

    That's really cool! Pendleton sounds like a neat place. :)

    And thanks for the birthday wishes! I know of at least 4 books that will be given away next week, so I'll look forward to seeing you then! ;)


  9. Here's an early b-day gift ;-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  10. Both of those books look sooo good! Love the covers!!

  11. Lindsay: I can't wait, either! ;)

    Renee: You are so sweet! I love the award, and thanks so much for passing it on to me! What a great birthday gift! ;)

    Carrie: Thanks for visiting! Aren't those covers beautiful? :) And the covers for She Walks in Beauty and Love on a Dime look great, too!



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