
Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Sharing a Smile" Saturday 2

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!
In order to hopefully elicit a smile from you, I decided to post a response on my blog to my friend Renee's post on her blog Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot. Her post was titled: "What Do You Look For in a Man?" The prompt was, "I thought since it was Friday it would be fun to talk about something that we all love whether we read Christian fiction or love a fun chick flick and that is...the hero! So I want to know who are your favorite fictional heroes from novels, movies or tv? Why do they appeal to you?" Such a fun question! So here are some of my favorite heroes (this is not a complete list):
Clark from Love Comes Softly. I love how the actor portrays Clark in this movie. He is a man of compassion: a family man who is not afraid to go after the woman he loves! He knows when to give someone time alone to think or to grieve. And most importantly, he is a man of strong faith, who goes out on a hillside to sing to God and prays wholeheartedly.

Mr. Knightley from Emma. (The movie version with Gwyneth Paltrow in it is my favorite so far.) What can I say? Who wouldn't want a hero who is your best friend? Isn't that where they say love should begin--as friends first? Well, Mr. Knightley is not only a great and handsome friend, but he is also a very honest one, who cares enough about Emma to tell her when she has messed up. And he is a great dancer (which is very important in my book)!

And on the subject of Jane Austen heroes, Henry Tilney is now probably one of my all-time favorites! (I love the PBS version of Northanger Abbey.) Henry Tilney is such a fun person to be with--he teases, but he also shows honor and care. He rides horseback, dances, and is quiet up-to-date on the latest fashions!

As for heroes from books, I'm sure I'm not the only one who cannot resist Michael Hosea from Redeeming Love (by Francine Rivers). How amazing is love that never gives up, that follows God's will! Michael Hosea goes after his woman over and over, even when she returns to her sins. He never stops loving her, and takes care of her.

Along those lines, Noah from Snow Angel (by Jamie Carie) stole my heart. He, too, is a man that pursues and protects. As much as a human can, he offers unconditional love. And what a sweet man!
Well, I'm sure there are many more that I could choose, but now it's your turn! Any readers out there want to share some of their favorite fictional heroes and why you like them?


  1. Hm, this sounds fun :) I might have to do this too!

  2. Wow Amber! Those are definitely terrific heroes! I loved Snow Angel and think that Noah is Jamie's best hero to date!

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Thanks for the comments, Ariel and Renee! :) This is really fun to post on, so I recommend it, Ariel! And isn't Noah just the greatest, Renee? *Sigh* Snow Angel is such a powerful story!


  4. Oh, you have some great heroes! I didn't even think about Clark from Love Comes Softly but what a great pick!

    I watched the PBS version of Northanger Abbey recently and I feel in love with Henry..great character! :)

  5. Angie,

    Thanks! :) I absolutely love the Love Comes Softly series (especially the first few movies). Isn't Clark just wonderful? Such a sweet, spiritual man!

    And I know exactly what you mean! When I saw the PBS version of Northanger Abbey I fell in love with Henry, too! (The first time I saw it on TV, one of my college friends and I were practically screaming at the TV, ready to swoon at the end.) :)

    Thanks for stopping by!



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