
Friday, April 23, 2010

Humboldt County

Instead of writing about my hometown (which isn't really existent, since I live inbetween towns), I thought I'd share a bit about my home county. Why my sudden interest in my home county, you may ask? Well, today was my last day of classes, and in about a week I'll be headed home! While I will miss my "third home" (as my grandma and I fondly refer to Corban University), I'm very excited to go home and see my family again! And who doesn't love summer vacation?

But first, the poll results. The question was, "What is your favorite part about your hometown?" Of the six people who voted, here's the breakdown:
The weather--0
The scenery--3
The people--3
The shops--0
The tourist traps--0

My home county is Humboldt County, located on the beautiful North Coast of California.

The weather: Oh, boy . . . this isn't exactly the best part about my home county! Fog can be rather mysterious and lovely, but it can also be rather cold. Temperatures are about the same all year round (especially right near the coast). It does warm up some in the summer, but days with the temperatures in the 60s and 70s (Fahrenheit) are considered good days (40s and 50s are most common). However, we do get some sunshine off and on, in-between the rain and fog!

The scenery: This has got to be one of the best parts about Humboldt County! The scenery is absolutely breathtaking, what with the redwoods, the ocean, the meadows, the farmlands, etc. I could go on and on! But how about I just share some pictures, instead?

Photo by Jack Hopkins: Courtesy Humboldt County CVB,

Photo by Carrie Grant: Courtesy Humboldt County CVB,

Photo by Don Forthuber: Courtesy Humboldt County CVB,

The people: Humboldt County is home to my family and many of my friends, so of course I love the people!

The shops: Because of all of the fun places to see, there are lots of cute gift shops in Humboldt County (like "The Sea Around Us" in Trinidad and the cute stores in the Victorian village of Ferndale). Plus we do actually have a mall (The Bayshore Mall) in Eureka, which is a plus!

The tourist traps: One of my favorite tourist traps is the Trees of Mystery (that might be a bit north of Humboldt County; I'm not sure). The beautiful redwoods, the tall statues of Paul Bunyan and his faithful sidekick Babe the Blue fun!

Anyway, do any of you have anything to share about your hometown/county?


  1. Oh wow you're county is beautiful! I live in Fayette County, PA. Home of Frank Lllyod Wright's Fallingwater! I'm sure you've seen pics of it before! It might just be one of the most beautiful mixes of manmade architecture and God's architecture! Here's the site if you want to check it out!

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Thanks for sharing the website--that place looks stunning! The autumn pictures are gorgeous! :)

    And thanks for reading the post! Humboldt County is so beautiful and diverse. The pictures are from Trinidad, the Victorian village of Ferndale, and Fern Canyon respectively. There are so many great places to visit, and the ocean is amazing (although a bit cold!). And don't even get me started about the redwoods... :)

    Have a great weekend!


  3. I love my small town home. When I go anywhere-- the library, the store, even just walking down the street-- I see someone I know. It is nice to have such strong connections with the people around me. Monmouth is a fun little town with some of my greatest friends living there. Monmouth is also the home of Western Oregon University.

    We also live only about 1 1/2 hours from the Oregon Coast, which we visit often. So lovely there, even though it's usually windy and cold! In the summer you can hit some nice days, though.

    Thanks for letting me share about my home. :)

  4. Thanks for sharing, Lindsay! I love small towns, and I really enjoyed getting to visit your hometown throughout the school year! :) And the Oregon Coast sounds quite a bit like California's North Coast... ;)



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!