
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Brief Interlude

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

I'm interrupting "Food Week" to shout out a big thanks to Ashley at "After All....... Tomorrow Is Another Day" ( for giving me my very first blog award! I'm honored.

Here's the award:

From Ashley's blog: "This award is traditionally passed on to those blogger's that inspire others and show positivity and creativity, so, in that spirit, I picked my nominees from blogs that I visit regularly and are very informative and inspiring to me."

I know I'm supposed to pick 10 other blogs to pass this on to, but it seems like so many have already received this award! But I would like to pass it on to the following (and I apologize in advance if you already have this award!):

I'm sure there are many more blogs that deserve this, but these are just some of the blogs that bring sunshine to my day! Thank you!

If any of the owners of these blogs would like to pass on the award, the rules are posted on Ashley's blog (see link above).

Side Note: I had my last final today, so it is officially summer break for me! I'm still here at school, but my mom is coming tomorrow and we'll drive back down to California on Sunday. I'll miss all my college friends so much!!! But I am excited to see my family and friends from home again! So, this Sunshine Award is a great way to commemorate my completion of my first year of college! How is everyone else doing this lovely day?


  1. Hey Amber - aren't you a sweetheart?! Thanks for the lovely award :)

    Your blog is great. Enjoy your day.

  2. You're welcome, Rel! Thanks for having such a great blog and for posting so regularly! I always enjoy visiting your blog. :)

    And thanks for the compliment! Hope you enjoy your day, as well!


  3. Your SO welcome, Amber. I'm glad that this award shed some sunshine on you today! And I hope you have a great time back home in CA:)
    Love Ya,

  4. Thank you, Ashley! :) Your kindness means a lot to me. And it will be fun to be back home again!


  5. YAY!! I received an award!! You are too sweet, Amber. Thank you. And I'm so glad you've been following my blog. Your comments always brighten my day!

    Have a SWEET summer break! And thank you!!


  6. are more than welcome, Cerella! Your posts bring sunshine to my day, and your willingness to let me interview you, as well as your comments on my blog, have made me so happy. :)

    Thank you so much for your kindness!


  7. Hi Amber! You're so kind in offering this award. May God bless you on your journey. Wishing you days of sunshine ahead! :)

  8. Deborah,

    Isn't it a lovely award? :) I'm so glad Ashley gave it to me and that I could pass it on! Thank you for your great blog and your kind words! May the Lord bless you abundantly, as well!



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