Sunday, October 23, 2011

Coming Soon: 2nd Annual LFY Blog Party!

October is swiftly racing by, and soon November will be upon us. After that it will be December - time for Christmas preparations and, of course, the "Love Finds You" Blog Party! I'm very excited to be hosting this event again, as we had such a blast last year!

Did you miss last year's festivities? Or perhaps you'd like a chance to reminisce? Click HERE to read the party posts from December 2010 (be sure to scroll down)!

As of right now I have five wonderful guests lined up for this event, and there will be fun and prizes galore! Want to find out who two of the guests are? Take a look at the blog button I created for the party:

The background is a bit obscure, but if you look at the Summerside Press website I think you should be able to figure out who's book it is...and she's going to be one of our guests!

Now click on this blog button in the sidebar (not the one in the post). One of our guests' lovely covers is gracing the party page! (Note that the party page will be updated with more specific information in the coming weeks.)

Want to help spread the word? Just grab the button in the sidebar (using the code below the button) and share it on your own blog! If you leave a comment here letting me know that you've done this, you can have 2 extra entries in the main prize package drawing to be announced on December 4th!

Hope to see you there!


Katie Marie said...

How exciting, Amber! I remember you putting this on last year. I am really looking forward to this part, as there are some new LFY books I am really interested in getting my hands on. haha! :-)

I've got your button on my sidebar, and am counting down the days. :-D Yay!!

Casey said...

How fun!! I'm looking forward to it!!

I'm going to take your button right now. :)

Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you! I'm excited, too!! :) I almost wish I could enter my own giveaways, as there are some definitely awesome new LFY books coming out this fall/winter. ;)

You have 2 extra entries in the main prize package drawing! :)


P.S. I got The Shunning today!! Thanks so much! :D

Amber Holcomb said...


Glad to hear it! :) We're going to have some fabulous guests and giveaways!

Thanks for taking the button - you have 2 extra entries in the main prize package drawing! :)


Amber Holcomb said...

Note to self: Hannah C. couldn't comment, but she took the button and therefore has 2 extra entries! :)


Melanie said...

Hi! I added your button to my blog! Here's the link -

frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

Amber Holcomb said...

Thanks, Melanie! :)

You have 2 extra entries for the main drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...

P.S. To everyone out there who takes this button:

1. I'm sorry it's not super beautiful or anything! It would be neat to show more of the cover it comes from, but I wanted to focus on the "Love Finds You" portion of the cover... Alas, I'm not the best button maker, but I'm grateful to for making it a little easier! ;)

2. Since it's still a little over a month until the party, feel free to put the button wherever you want - it doesn't have to be at the very top of your blog unless you don't mind having it there for a while! :)


Michelle said...

This sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!

I posted the button on my blog. Thank you for the 2 extra entries!

Michelle : )

Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you! :) I hope it's fun for everyone!


NurseMomKhaos said...

Just found you through the Love Finds You button on another blog!

Added the button to my blog too ~ here is the link:

Sounds exciting - I have about a dozen "love finds you" books on my TBR - lol, maybe I can get 1 or 2 read before your contest. :) Great blog!

Amber Holcomb said...

Mom Blogger,

Yay! Great to meet you, and thank you so much for helping me spread the word about this party! I have several LFY books on my TBR stack, as well - such a fun collection/series!

You have 2 extra entries in the main drawing. :)


MaureenT said...

What an exciting giveaway...can't wait!

I have put your button on my blog!!

God Bless

Amber Holcomb said...


Glad you're excited! I loved putting this together last year, and so far things seem to be coming together nicely for this year's party. :)

You have 2 extra entries in the main drawing - and thank you for helping to spread the word!


Ariel Wilson said...

Yay, so excited! :D Button's on here!

Ariel Wilson said...

Okay... links hate me :P It;s here:

Amber Holcomb said...


Thanks so much - for sharing my excitement and for helping spread the word! :) You have 2 extra entries in the main drawing!


Unknown said...

I saw the banner on Katie's blog and just knew I had to join in...button is up! :) Excited!

Amber Holcomb said...


Thanks so much! :) I had a great time putting this event together last year, so I hope this year is even more fun for ya'll!

You have 2 extra entries in the main drawing!


Amber Holcomb said...

Note to self: Renee Ann took the button, too, so she has 2 extra entries. :)


Faith said...

I posted the button!

Can't wait!

Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you! :) You have 2 extra entries in the main prize drawing!

And I can't wait either! Plus, it will mean we'll be that much closer to Christmas... :D


Trisha Wilson said...

This is the first I've heard of this and I can't wait! Added your button to my blog's sidebar! I'm looking forward to learning more about this!

May God bless,
Trisha Wilson

Amber Holcomb said...


Feel free to check out the LFY Blog Party page here:

It's the page the button links to, and I've recently added the tentative party schedule. :) This event is a themed party week I started last year because I love the "Love Finds You" series so much. Nothing too official, but we do have a lot of fun and there will be some great giveaways!

So glad you'll be celebrating with us! And thank you for taking the button - you have 2 extra entries in the main drawing! :)


apple blossom said...

button posted

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

posted at my second blog

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Amber Holcomb said...

Apple Blossom,

Thank you for helping me spread the word! :) You have 2 extra entries in the main prize drawing - and boy, are the party dates coming up fast!!


Liz R said...

Oooh I can't wait! I grabbed your blog button. Thanks for the entries!

God Bless

Amber Holcomb said...

Liz R,

Thank you! It's almost time!!! :D

You have 2 extra entries for the main prize package drawing. :)


Wendy Newcomb said...

I can hardly wait for the party to begin. Your button is on the left sidebar of my blog.


Amber Holcomb said...


Glad you're excited!! It's coming up soon! :)

Thanks for spreading the word - you have 2 extra entries in the main drawing!


Bonnie Way aka the Koala Mom said...

Sounds like a ton of fun! I've put the button in my sidebar (in part just to remind myself to come back here for the party!). I've read Miralee Ferrell's Love Finds You books so I'm super excited to see her again here and to meet some of the other authors. :)

Amber Holcomb said...

Koala Bear Writer,

Welcome to my blog, and thank you for following and helping to spread the word about the party! :) I'm excited about the party, as well! It will be fun to host Miralee again, as she was also a part of the festivities last year. :)


Amber Holcomb said...

Koala Bear Writer,

I also wanted to add that you have 2 extra entries in the main prize drawing! I'm not sure if all parts of the package can be sent out of the U.S. (I'll have to check on that), but if not I'll either put your entries in for a part of the package or for the international giveaway one of the authors is hosting. :)


Jessica Laurie said...

This looks like so much fun! The only book I've read out of this group is the one by Robin Jones Gunn (who's one of my favorite authors!), and it was wonderful. I'll have to check some of the others out too!

I posted the button on my blog:

Amber Holcomb said...


Glad you think so, too! :)

I have one of Robin's books on my TBR stack and I read the book she co-wrote with Tricia Goyer (Praying for Your Future Husband). :) I actually got to meet her last February, which was awesome! (Although I was a bit starstruck, LOL...)

Anyway, thank you for taking the party button - you have 2 extra entries in the main prize drawing! And thank you for following the blog!! :) Great to meet you!


A.Jones said...

How exciting! Blog parties are so much fun!

I added the blog button to my blog.

Amber Holcomb said...


Thank you! I love blog parties, too! :D

You have 2 extra entries in the main prize drawing!


apple blossom said...

posted the button on my blog

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

apple blossom said...

posted the button on my 2nd blog

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Amber Holcomb said...

Apple Blossom,

Got you covered! :) Thanks again for helping to spread the word!


Jackie Layton said...

We always hunt for the pickle on our tree too! What a beautiful blog, and I'm excited about your contest.
I'm so glad I found my way here!
Merry Christmas!

Amber Holcomb said...


Awesome! It's such a fun tradition. :)

Thank you for the kind words about my blog! And I'm glad you found your way here, as well! Be sure to check out all the giveaways going on - you can find links to all the "live" giveaways and the party schedule here:

Thanks! Merry Christmas to you, as well! :)


Teresa Mathews said...

Hi Amber I am really new at this, but I did copy your link and put it on my blog, (I hope it worked). My blog is very new and I only have 5 followers, :). But I know it takes time. Thanks for this blog party and I can't wait to read LFYI Folly Beach, since I live in SC and I'm only about 1.5 hours away from Folly Beach.

Amber Holcomb said...


Congratulations on starting a new blog! Blogging has been such a blessing to me, and I hope it becomes one for you, as well. :)

Thank you for posting about the party! I will definitely give you the 2 extra entries for that. :) If you want to enter the other individual giveaways this week, you'll find the links on the party page. :) (Or you can just go to the Home page and scroll down.)

And please let me know if you have any questions! I know it can be a little rocky when you first learn how to blog, but I'm sure you'll quickly get the hang of it. :)


Andrea Schultz said...

Exciting stuff!
Please note that I also added your button to my 'Ponderings by Andrea' blog:

Thanks -

andrealschultz at gmail dot com

Amber Holcomb said...


Thanks so much! :) That gives you 2 extra entries in the main prize drawing! Feel free to check out all the other giveaways going on this week, as well. :)


Lane Hill House said...

Come and see the Party Post at my blog!


Tiffany Amber Stockton said...

Got the button posted on my blog and FB'd and Tweeted about it.

A Fictional Life

What a great and fun party. One of these days, maybe I'll be able to join the LFY family. Rachel is interested, but I had to have an agent first, and now I do. Woo-hoo!

Amber Holcomb said...

Lane Hill House,

Just left a comment on your post - thank you for spreading the word! You have 2 extra entries in the main drawing! :)


Amber Holcomb said...

Tiffany Amber Stockton,

Wow! Thank you so much for doing all that to spread the word about the party! :) (You have 2 extra entries in the main drawing!)

Glad you're enjoying it! And that would be awesome if you joined the LFY family!! Congratulations on getting an agent!! :D
