Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Come Find the Pickles!

Today I have a fun Christmas activity for you in honor of "Christmas in July!" For those long-time followers, you may recall the pickle ornament hunt we had as our pre-"Love Finds You" blog party activity last December. Well, today you have another chance to hunt for those pickle ornaments! ;)

Since I already wrote about this tradition before, I'm just going to repeat some of what I said last time about this neat Christmas tradition.

The Tradition

The advertisement below featured on The German Way website gives a brief description of this Christmas tradition:

The basic idea is that the parents hide a pickle ornament in the tree, and whoever finds the green ornament among the branches and other ornaments receives an extra gift! In our family, though, we have more than one pickle ornament, so my sister and I both have a chance to win a prize. It makes the game a little less stressful that way, I'm sure. ;) Plus, my grandparents hide pickle ornaments for us in their tree, too, so I think it's safe to say we've been rather spoiled!

The Hunt

Now it's your turn! I have hidden three pickle ornament images in three different posts on this blog. They could be anywhere on this site, so you'll have to hunt carefully! Just remember: The pickle images are on this blog (Seasons of Humility), and you won't find them in any links that take you away from this blog.

Each pickle is worth 5 extra entries in whichever drawing you entered when you completed the survey. (If you haven't completed the "Christmas in July" Survey, click HERE to fill that out first. You must complete the survey in order for these extra entries to count!)

There are three pickles out there, so there are 15 extra entries available! If you don't want to be entered to win either of the books (Surrender the Dawn or 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Son), you can choose to give your extra points to someone else who is entered in one of the drawings.

The Rules
  • When you find a pickle image, just leave a comment saying where you found it (you can either describe the post/page or include the URL).
  • You aren't limited to finding just one pickle image, so you can claim all 15 extra entries if you find all three pickles. However, if you want to be nice and not hog all the pickle claims, then I'm sure others will thank you. ;)
  • I might be a little slow in checking in, but just know that once all three pickles are found, the game is over.
  • Also, please note: the pickle image from last December's game does NOT count. You will find it HERE. Any other pickle images count, though! ;)
Finally, below is what the pickle image you're hunting for looks like. (But this is NOT one of the three I've hidden; this picture is just an example!)

*Update: All the pickle ornaments have been found! Congratulations to Sara and Michelle for finding the three images and getting those extra entries!*


Anonymous said...

How cute, I'm looking for pickles. Can't find one pickle. lol. I have filled in the survey. This is fun.:)

Sara said...

I've always wondered what the background of the pickle ornaments were! What a fun idea to have a hunt on your blog. I found one on the Contentment Reading Challenge Page! :)

Amber Holcomb said...


LOL! Thank you for filling out the survey, and so glad you're having fun! ;) There are still 2 unclaimed pickles out there in the archives somewhere... :)


Amber Holcomb said...


I love the tradition myself, and I'm happy I could share about it here. :)

Great job on finding one of the pickles! You have 5 extra points in this week's drawing! :D


Michelle said...

YAY! I found the second pickle on the "Happy National Train Day 2011" post from May 7th. How fun! :D

Thank you for the extra entries, Amber!

I wish we had started the Pickle hiding tradition when my kids were younger, but then again, I guess it's never too late to start.

Have a blessed day!

Amber Holcomb said...


Way to go! :D I thought that would be a clever place as it's listed in the "Labels" section and trains fit well with Christmas, travels, and the Polar Express. ;)

You have 5 extra entries in the drawing!

And yes, it's never too late to start! I'm in college and I still love looking for the pickle, even though it's pretty stress-free as everyone (ie: me and my sister) wins. ;)


Amber Holcomb said...


There's still one more pickle out there! I'll take out the ones that have already been found.

Good luck! :D


Amber Holcomb said...

OK, I'm going to give out a hint to anyone still looking for that last pickle:

"Finding pickles can be hard to do,
Unless you look where Love Finds You."

LOL! ;) Hope that helps!


Michelle said...

I found the third one, earlier, but wanted to give others a chance to find it. : )

Amber Holcomb said...


Well, if no one else is claiming it, you're welcome to it! ;) Last time someone found two and let someone else find the third, so it's really no problem!

Just let me know where you found it, and I can give you another 5 entries. :) Thanks for playing along today!


Michelle said...

Well, okay, you twisted my arm. ;-)

I found it on your review of Love Finds You in North Pole, Alaska. Loved you review, by the way! I've had that one on my shelf for awhile, and now I want to read it even more!

Thank you, thank you! :D

Amber Holcomb said...


Hahaha, good choice! ;) Nice job finding the last pickle, and I'm glad you enjoyed the review post it was hidden in, as well! It's a great book, and probably a perfect Christmas in July read. :)

You now have 10 extra entries in the drawing!


Michelle said...

Thanks so much, Amber! : )

I've read two books by Loree Lough, and I loved them, so I'm sure I'll love this one, too.

Look forward to seeing what you have in store for tomorrow!


Amber Holcomb said...


You're welcome! :)

I haven't yet read any other books by Loree, but I would like to read more someday! I'm sure you will really enjoy this one. :)

As for today's post... Unfortunately, my laptop is having issues, so I wasn't able to complete my post for today. But I'll be working on that, and hopefully it will go up later today or tomorrow!


Michelle said...

I've read Beautiful Bandit and Maverick Heart; both VERY good!! : )

Hope your computer trouble is all straightened out.

Amber Holcomb said...


Those books look/sound great! I'm partial to Wild West romances myself. ;)

As for my computer, the Internet is working fine again, but I'm not sure how long that will last... My dad is planning on taking off Windows Vista and installing Windows 7, so hopefully that will help my computer out, because it does have some weird issues!

But at least I'm at home right now, so I can use one of the other computers when mine is down for the count. ;)
